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  • dieudonne Friend


    we have a problem with the plugin Ja System Social Feed Plugin.

    We made some tests with a fresh quick start installation (JA Zite template and we made the update of all components).
    So we add a new faceboook profile, and set ‘update articles’ to yes.
    But nothing changes in front end…

    So we click on ‘run now’ in the cron interval parameter, and we have always this error message :
    The connection to the server was reset while the page loads.

    So we change the URL converter service to, and click again on the “run now’ button.
    After 1 minute we have this message : ‘done’ So apparently it is ok.

    But nothing change in the frontend (menu K2/Facebook)
    Caches are cleared.

    Do you have a idea of what to do to fix this ?
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    And what can we do to made the same category in Joomla (not in K2) ?
    Create a category named “Facebook content type” ?
    There is no documentation, and we don’t understand which parameter tell to this plugin, in which category it must place these facebook’s articles.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Thank in advance for any help.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi dieudone,

    Have you made a correct setting for each of the social network ? Take a look at this post that I think it can come in handy for you. For each social profile, you would see a field name Category that you chose to store your received social feeds.


    dieudonne Friend


    thank for your help and the tips.
    So :

    – Active the plugin (done)

    – Create a category (done)

    – Enter your facebook page id on FACEBOOK tab of the plugin. Press Verify to make sure that your facebook id can return some feed (it is ok)

    – Select the category to store content (the category you just created).

    – Switch back to GENERAL tab and click Run Now.
    ok, here is some problem :
    “The connection to the server was reset while the page loads.”
    It’s appear with selected

    But it is working with “”.

    – Create a menu item type ‘Articles » Category Blog’ and choose the category that you just created.(done)
    It is ok, but the name “CIRÉ asbl” appears like this : see picture in attachement

    Thank in advance.

    1. 2012-09-17_16h25_40
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi dieudonne,

    I think that’s just a font style issue, can let share with me exact url where it’s being seen ?

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