I developed this site a few years ago
http://www.livingstonefc.com/ and can’t remember how I got the header images working.
I know the old J1.0 template used an array, but the lastest template uses the following to pull in the images around line 130 of index.php:
<div id="ja-sh" class="clearfix" style="background:url('<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl()."/images/".$tmpTools->getParam(JA_TOOL_COLOR)."/".$ja_headerimg; ?>') no-repeat top right; ">
And the image changes depending on what top-level menu item in main-menu you click, if i’m not mistaken.
I want to change the images and use 5, rather than 3 but can remember where to put the images or tweak the index.php file.
Any suggestions welcomed!!!