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  • duh_plumber Friend

    when i install my sobipro with ja social the menu’s on that page stop working i cant figure it out and have been reading forums on your site and sobi site please help. the problem page can be accessed at http://state-411.com/services/directory-list thanks

    Blaine Friend

    Hi duh_plumber,
    SobiPro has many issues with 1.7 Joomla.
    You have to post on the SOBI forum since nothing to do with Joomlart.
    They should have many questions regarding this.

    duh_plumber Friend

    everything works fine though if i switch to a different template as long as it doesn’t have mega menu in it and sobipro works on the broken page as well just your menu system dosent as im not a member of sobipro just using there free directory i can not turn to them but what little i have seen on there fourms about it that is acesable to the public it has to do with trying to run jqueary twice i think they were saying most likly due to your software using a old vershon if that makes any sence to you. the rest of the info is hid behind there paid service which i cant afford at this time just bought 2 1 year subcriptions here.
    and joomla 1.7 ja_social 1.1.0 sobipro 1.0 rc5

    Blaine Friend

    Ok, so my suggestion is to check and see if 2 instances of jQuery running and remove the out of date one then.
    I will let DEV team also know about this.

    duh_plumber Friend

    i love that you think im that smart but at last you just said back to me what i read and didnt understand in the first place lol. i could do that if you told me how or i have given full access at the begining of this post. i have been surfing and i found this site that the menu is working fine on http://www.sobiinspired.com/directory though not the same template its your purity with the same framework and megamenu. also if you go to my site you will see that the menu works fine if you go to serch it seems that its just the first page that breaks it. let me know if im asking too much i have been using joomla for a week now and my head is still swimming from what ivew learned

    Blaine Friend

    Hi duh_plumber,
    I think the first thing that needs to be addressed is the possibility that we have included, inadvertently, an old copy of a jQuery.
    As for your site, I can not go to it due to permission erors as follows:
    <blockquote>The requested URL /forums/state-411.com was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.</blockquote>
    please be sure that all folders are set to 755 and files to 644.

    duh_plumber Friend

    first ty for helping
    you are right there is no The requested URL /forums/state-411.com was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. its a property of the friendly url function of joomla so there is no folder forum its actualy state-411.com/kunena so dont know how that realy works but i belive it just makes a friendly name based on the name of the forum name i have checked the folder permishions and they seem alright do you need all the access info again ?:p

    WPStrong Friend

    Hi duh_plumber,
    It’s because conflict between jQuery & Mootools. I added the following code to /templates/ja_social/blocks/header.php:
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    Now Mega Menu is back.


    duh_plumber Friend

    hey ty verry much for your help but i being so awsome figured it out! yea me!!!:p:p:p

    Blaine Friend

    You are awesome! You figured it out by yourself and that is fantastic!
    I will now mark this solved!
    I also want to thank tronglp for stepping up to help as well! WTG!!

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