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  • bobbysg Friend

    Hi, I wondered if anyone had insight into this problem:

    We have installed Artio joomsef component and the SEF urls work perfectly if clicked from “other menu” modules “mainmenu MODULES” However, when the Fagus main menu is clicked, we still get the non SEF urls – and can’t find any way to remedy. Any ideas?


    THANK YOU SO MUCH! – Steve:

    UPDATE: Found the thread to fix!

    JA Genista (and JA Fagus as well) use their own menu-building routines, and that is where the error lies.

    Check out this post, I applied the same change to JA Genista and it made the error go away.

    Kind regards,

    sirsly Friend

    Wow !
    Many many many thanks!:D

    sparkymarky Friend

    $row->url = $row->url = ampReplace( $row->link );

    does not exist in the templates/ja_fagus/ja_menus/Base.class.php in this template.

    Not in the quickstart version.

    When you switch SEF links on, all the pages lose their backgorund etc except the main front page.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sparkymarky 16 years, 8 months ago.

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