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  • Michael Casha Friend

    Hi guys, I’m very sorry to hear that the support of JoomlArt hasn’t been satisfactory to you but please be assured if you do not get a reply please PM me and I will take it up the development team personally.

    douglas, I would like to thank you for your contribution, your comments have been taken into account and you’ll start noticing some new changes around 🙂

    Hung Dinh Friend

    <em>@douglas 6824 wrote:</em><blockquote>I posted this last night, but moved it here.

    SUGGESTION! Why not reward some helpful members with a free membership for..

    Originally Posted by Hung Dinh View Post
    We have moved the office during the pass week and there had been difficulties in monitoring the forum. Now the office arrangement has completed and everyone is in, we will monitor the forum everydays and give help Quote:

    Moving the office accounts for the support questions not being answered as members expect, this past week, but what about the past few months? Yes, as your member numbers have grown, (now over 5,500 and growing daily) so has your number of support issues and the strain to not be able to help to those who really need it most, especially those that are new members. And now some new people are not so happy, and it resonates, and soon your competitors will pick up on this and lure members away by claiming better support. Software works this way. Good software can turn ugly when support issues become larger than life. And the competitors support may be no better.

    I appreciate all the help I have received since joining as a member last March 2006, but recently (the past few months) I and many others have noticed the level of support to be stretched too thin. Yes, you are releasing more templates, and I agree that you should not have to answer support for third party extensions, but why not help yourself out by considering the following:


    MAKE IT CLEAR WHAT SUPPORT JA PROVIDES (In a signature of each tech support response)
    1. Make it clear at the bottom of each one of your tech support responses (in a signature) that you only provide support for Joomlart.com templates and not for third party Joomla extensions, and can not support them in these forums.
    Members that have tech support issues with anything that is not Joomlart.com template specific, or Joomlart.com extension specific, should go to Joomla.org forums for support at:
    Joomla.org forums

    2. Make it clear that the person asking for support should make the support question as clear as possible, as suggested above, and have a standard response if it is so vague:

    Your Support Question needs to be more specific and clear for us to help you narrow down and fix the template problem. We will be pleased to help when you repost your template support question, with more specifics about your template problem. Please see our basic Getting Template Support Guide at: give a URL to a simple guide here. Thank you for your understanding. JA Support Staff

    The link to the basic Getting Template Support Guide can be available with a link at the bottom in each Joomlart.com tech support person’s signature. It may take up some space on the forums each time, but it will start to sink in and help people to help themselves more, which helps JA and every member in the long run.

    3. Also in the Tech Support signature, put links to the Frequently asked Template Questions, which will reduce support questions asked frequently. Maybe this is already available?

    4. I made a lengthy comment about support last night to offer some suggestions, and suggested that you offer members a membership premium for offering other members support and today I found out that you do offer a rewards Premium program for good moderators. It can be accessed here: Membership and Premium Access for Good Moderators

    This can be resolved when more members start feeling there are some rewards for helping out other members above and beyond what they already do on this forum site.

    I try my best with my limited Joomla/PHP template coding technical capabilities to help others, and can develop documentation and offer more support as I learn new things about the template I am using most. I’ve developed a number of docs for Joomla component developers as they have given their time to create great components, for free or such low costs, and I wanted to give something back to them and others in the Joomla community. And those developers that I created the docs for appreciated my efforts. I created some docs for XeMedia, for one of their components last year, and they gave me a choice of any of their components, which I didn’t expect, but it was great to receive such a reward. I am now working on three more sets of docs, for some components and modules, and I’m doing it to be a Joomla citizen. Not for any reward.

    Perhaps, for everyone’s benefit, and mostly yours, you might consider implementing a MEMBER REWARDS PROGRAM for those members that provide extended forum help and some well documented documentation help, in PDF or even a wiki format exclusive for your members, which is above and beyond what your existing staff time allows. It’s probably a lot cheaper (less than $100 a year) than hiring another two or three full time staff, as your member numbers increase (or level off, and decrease if your support fails to keep up with member demands. A Member rewards program will provide better support, and it also increases the support level for your members in off hours and weekends, and it will be a drawing card for talented and knowledgeable technical people to become new members.

    GOOD TUTORIALS (Beyond the basic Guide that comes with each Template)

    Good tutorials and documentation is so important to help new members get through basic issues that seem to always arise with Joomla and templates, and this will help to relieve the support issues demand on staff, and free them up to fix bugs etc, and provide better documentation. Although you provide some documentation help with each template release, the amount of help for new members is not adequate, as it assumes they know certain things. How can this be? Look at the level of questions on this forum that aren’t being answered.

    TEMPLATE COMMENTS (more detailed)
    And as far as your templates being well documented. Hogwash! That may seem a little harsh, but maybe it’s true for Joomla experts, but the newbie has to hack around the template to find things, and too often they are making changes blindly, and mess things up and then they come here and they want immediate help to fix issues etc. Better template documentation would relieve this issue.

    MATH 101
    – Face it, your valued templates are causing growing pains – support is increasing daily, and as the number of members increase, so will the support question numbers)
    It’s not just the past week while you’ve been moving that you support has been lacking from what it used to be. It’s a number of members (increasing daily) vs. number of staff (which most certainly hasn’t increased proportionally to offset support demand) and now they can’t answer the increasing number of member questions on a daily basis. It’s simple MATH 101.

    It’s a catch 22. More templates each month, means more sales, and more members, and then a huge increase in support issues, which left unresolved, can kill the golden goose when people get peeved at the lack of support. They’ll go elsewhere, regardless of how cool your templates are, or have been. I was considering this a few weeks ago when I could not get some questions answered, but I did my homework at the alternative template providers, and found their support is also facing the same issues. No jumping here. I spent more time trying to resolve my own issues, and I am happy I did. I learned a lot about templates, and now I know my way around Ja Bellatrix more than before.

    Enough said. I’m sure you can see the benefit, as there are many members that are very knowledgeable, and I’m sure the incentive of a free membership ($50 a year) is far cheaper than hiring more staff and having members get pissed off and going to your template competitors, out of frustration, not because your templates aren’t elegant and slick looking.

    Hope you’ll consider this for members.


    Thank you Doug, your suggestion has been carefully considerated and we are making lot of changes to the forum. Hope you will be around and we will be happy to hear more from you.

Viewing 2 posts - 16 through 17 (of 17 total)

This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 17 years, 11 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum