When looking at product listing, the sort by drop down has a small image next to it that I assume allows us to change the sort order of the products.
When clicking on the sort buton in IE I get a syntax error on line 1 (see attached image). With FF, it is displaying notice:
Systax error:
Answer: To solve this issue, please open componentscom_virtuemartthemesja-zeolitetemplatesbrowseincludesbrowse_orderbyform.tpl.php file, at about line 12, find following code:
<a href="javascript: document.order.DescOrderBy.value="'.$asc_desc[1].'"; document.order.submit()">
and change to:
<a href="javascript: document.order.DescOrderBy.value=''.$asc_desc[1].''; document.order.submit()">
P/s: We have updated this issue to the latest version.