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  • anshell Friend

    Hi there,
    I found very strange performance at Users 6 – 10 in Ja Teline IV. As you can see at my new website http://www.anshell.com with exactly the same coding in each module:

    <a class=”mostread” href=”http://…………… .html”></a>

    I have different results in 2 browsers (I checked only 2).
    In Firefox you CAN NOT click on any of modules.
    In Chrome “click-able” only Users 8,9,10

    What can be a secret?

    Thank you

    chavan Friend

    The position User6 is just a custom html module [mod_custom]

    I hope you posted the content in the module ina wrong way and thats why you cannot click on it.

    Replace the following code in the position user6 custom html module in module manager

    <a href="http://anshell.com/rent.html" class="mostread"></a>
    <div class="class-box-wrap1 class-box-style2"><div class="class-box-wrap2">
    <div class="class-box"><div class="class-box-inner">
    <div class="title"><h3>Rentals in NY</h3></div>
    <div class="image"><img alt="Rentals in New York" src="/images/stories/demo/other/rentals.jpg"></div>
    <span>Grid-based Real Estate News portal approach</span></div>

    <div class="class-box-wrap1 class-box-style2"><div class="class-box-wrap2">
    <div class="class-box"><div class="class-box-inner">
    <div class="title"><h3>Rentals in NY</h3></div>
    <div class="image"><a href="http://anshell.com/rent.html" class="mostread"><img alt="Rentals in New York" src="/images/stories/demo/other/rentals.jpg"></a></div>
    <a href="http://anshell.com/rent.html" class="mostread"><span>Grid-based Real Estate News portal approach</span></a></div>

    Just the anchor tag is misplaced

    Please do it for the rest of the user positioned modules.

    anshell Friend

    Thanks Chavan,
    Works like a charm. No problems in both browsers.
    You’re the Coder!

    chavan Friend

    you are most Welcome Anshell

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chavan 13 years, 10 months ago.

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