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  • mqu64 Friend


    I just bought a few days ago your Ja Minisite Template which is great.

    I’m developping a multilinguale web site (respecting the Joomla 1.6. language framework (categorie, articles, menus, modules for each languages)).

    I’ve created some content (articles) in 3 languages (FR, EN and ALL), 3 Main Menu (Main Menu – FR, Main Menu – EN, Main Menu – ALL) and 3 Modules at top.mainnav position (the Main Menu is unpublisched according the Joomla 1.6. language framework).

    {Main Menu – ALL is your Main Menu.
    {top.mainnav position according your doc :}.

    The content (article) change according the choosen language, but nothing append with the Main Menus, only the Main Menu corresponding to Main Menu – ALL is displayed.

    Please see screenshots in attachment.

    Could you please explain me how to solve this problem ?

    Thank you in advance for your prompt reply.



    thangnn1510 Friend

    Hi Marc!

    Could you give us the login information FTP/Admin account to your site to your support ticket KWR-979-16760 in I’ll check for you.

    Thank you very much.

    myuption Friend

    Did you create content languages and enabled language switcher module?

    Now, I’ve been struggling a lot with multilanguage sites and Joomlart templates, and it seems J1.7 will add even more changes into those features. 😮

    mqu64 Friend

    Thanks myuption for your reply,
    Yes I do so, I have created all according the JOOMLA 1.6 language framework. I just think its quite difficult to run a multilanguage and a multiple group access level web site with JOOMLA. I managed to create a multilanguage public Main Menu, but not for a group access level area. But I will close now this post cause it dosn’t seems to be a Joomlart issue or problem.

    Thanks anyway to all people and Joomlart support team which always responded to my inquieries and sorry for my bad english 😉


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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mqu64 13 years, 2 months ago.

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