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  • mrfast Friend

    – When copy(Ctrl -C) content comment or article I always see DCODE message, but if right click and choose copy will no see it. I want to disable this function.

    – Function subscribe to have three option: No, Replies, New Comments. I just want two option No and Yes(merge Reply and New Comments).

    – When view a article, comment form and content reply have delay before showing. I want while delay it must have animation process. Because if website load long user will think don’t have function comment.

    Please let me know how can I do that.

    mrfast Friend

    Hien ]
    Hi mrfast,
    – When copy(Ctrl -C) content comment or article I always see DCODE message, but if right click and choose copy will no see it. I want to disable this function.
    –> This function belongs to 3rd party DCODE so that we cannot disable it.

    – Function subscribe to have three option: No, Replies, New Comments. I just want two option No and Yes(merge Reply and New Comments).
    –> This is a function in JA Comment and this relates to other files which need some deeply codes and this is out of my scope. I’m sorry for this.

    – When view a article, comment form and content reply have delay before showing. I want while delay it must have animation process. Because if website load long user will think don’t have function comment.
    –> There is already text named ‘Loading’ and it needs some animations. Thanks for your suggestion, it would be updated in next version. At this moment, if you need animation, dev crew may help you.
    Thanks for your suggestions, it’s highly appreciated.

    Hi Hien Nguyen,
    Thanks for your reply. With function DCODE and animation process while load component Ja_Comment you can skip this case. But function subscribe must merge two option “Reply and “New Comments” I need it, my customer always complain with one option “Reply” or “New Comments” they can not follow all new reply. They only want just one option “Yes” they can follow both option “Reply” and “New Comment”.

    I find this code in


    <?php if($isEnableEmailSubscription){?>
    <li class=”clearfix”>
    <div class=”fbs-subscribe clearfix”>
    <span class=”fbs-text-blow-guest”> <?php echo JText::_(“Subscribe to”); ?></span> 
    $listSubscribe = array();$listSubscribe[0] = JHTML::_(‘select.option’,’0′,JText::_(“None”));$listSubscribe[1] = JHTML::_(‘select.option’,’1′,JText::_(‘Replies’));$listSubscribe[2] = JHTML::_(‘select.option’,’2′,JText::_(‘New comments’));
    echo JHTML::_(‘select.genericlist’, $listSubscribe, ‘subscription_type’,’tabindex=”6″‘,’value’,’text’, 0);
    <br />
    <?php }?>
    I see three option “No”, “Reply” and “New Comment” references to $listSubscribe[0], $listSubscribe[1] and $listSubscribe[2]. I think just three case, example:
    switch ($listSubscribe) {
    case 0:
    //do: No thing;
    case 1:
    //do: send email with reply;
    case 2:
    //do: send email with new comment;
    I think just merge case 1 and 2. But I do not know what function will do it. Otherwise if I custom too depth I’m afraid if have error nobody can help me solve it. Therefore will better if you(or Joomlart Team) do it, if it so hard for you, please forward to higher level programmer. I do not think Joomlart Team have only you are highest level programmer.
    I hope you do not think more reason for repudiation my suggestion and help me custom it.
    Thank so much.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi mrfast,
    Your suggestions and other customers’ suggestions are always welcome because they help us to improve our products. Therefore, please do not think that I’m trying to find more reason to repudiate your suggestions, I am happy to help you if it’s not out of my scope, but if I can’t, I’ll ask developer team for more helps.

    To customize this function, we need to have some changes in core code. I’m trying with it and be back to you soon.

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