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  • foliodesign Friend


    i have some Questionns – i need to change/translate a few words in my Template JA-Lens:

    1. “Categories” and “Timline” on the Top – over the K2-Items, where you can choose a Category or a month.
    I will write these words in german.
    2. Also the month-names in the Drop-Down-Menu “Timline”. For example “January” to “Januar”…
    3. The word “items” wich you can read next to the year, on the left side oft he template-for example “2012 17 items”.

    I dont find a way, to change these words. It would be nice if someone can help me, can told me the exactly way/path to the right datafile, where i can edit that words.
    Thanks a lot.
    Nice day and best regards.

    PS: I see now, that i did this Post/Thread in a wrong category – it must be in the JA-Lens category, can some Admin please move this post to JA-Lens part of the forum? Thanks and sry.

    swissa Friend

    1. Category is a module – number 102 I think so you change it there or make a copy of English module and set to German.
    2. Go to root/language/de-DE/de-DE.mod_jak2timeline.ini and you can change the months into Deutsch there.
    3. Haven’t done that yet…..sorry! Will post when I have time to find it.

    Hope that helps


    foliodesign Friend

    Hallo swissa,

    danke für Deine/Ihre Antwort! Ich – versuche – für die anderen hier auf englisch zu antworten…;)

    1. I know that modul with the ID 102 and i change there also the word “category” to “kategorie”. But i mean this 2 words – Please see my Screen – with the orange area.

    2. I found that datafile in root/language/en-GB (i dont have de-DE). Thanks now i could change the names of the months!
    3. Maybe someone knows the answer – waiting – thanks.

    Good day to all.

    1. Screen
    swissa Friend

    Copy the file en-GB/en-GB.mod_jak2timeline.ini and rename it to de-DE/de-DE.mod_jak2timeline.ini and drop it in the DE language folder. The change to Categories is also in the same file. Timeline I’m still looking for.


    raised_fist Friend

    You two are saving me some serious head straching, Thanks a lot 🙂 Did you found something for the timeline ?

    Also I have still have difficulties with the “Click to load more awsomeness”. I manage to find where to change that. But it’s the “Roger That …” and “That’s all” have problem with. I’ve changed the text in the templatesja_lenslanguageen-GBen-GB.tpl_ja_lens.ini but I don’t know how the text won’t change.

    Since I set the default language of my site to French I tried to create a fr-FR foldler with a copie of templatesja_lenslanguagefr-FRfr-FR.tpl_ja_lens.ini. It’s half working, I see some of my changes but the site is all static now, all the script stopped to work. So I rollbacked and I’m not sure where to look next.


    swissa Friend

    Hard to say without seeing the url.

    With regard to the language file, I don’t know if this will help but go to templatesja_lenstemplateDetails.xml and look for these lines

    <languages folder="language">
    <language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_lens.ini</language>

    and adding in the french. so,

    <languages folder="language">
    <language tag="en-GB">en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_lens.ini</language>
    <language tag="fr-FR">fr-FR/fr-FR.tpl_ja_lens.ini</language>

    Maybe that helps but also clear the cache on the server and also in your browser.

    swissa Friend

    Okay, did a grep today for ‘timeline’. So here is a quick ‘hack’…

    You need to go to root/template/ja_lens/ and edit index.php @ line 180

    <li id="toolbar-timeline">

    You can change the text in red for what you want.

    Surprised this isn’t in a language file to be honest as it would be different word for each language!!

    raised_fist Friend

    Thanks “timeline” is now changed. As for my other problem I found the solution.

    1. I found there’s a rootlanguageen-GBtpl_ja_lens.ini and it was overriding my changes in the template tpl_ja_lens.ini. I renamed it and now it using the french one ( templatesja_lenslanguagefr-FRfr-FR.tpl_ja_lens.ini )

    2. The script not working when using the French .ini was my fault. Forgot to use the ” ” before the apostrophe in the ini file. It was messing up with the js code 🙂

    I found out the ” That’s all we have for now 🙁 ” was also in the wall.js, missed it the first time. The parameter in the ini file seems to be for some sort of highlight effect.

    Thanks again

    dufi Friend

    Did anybody find answer for this?:

    3. The word “items” wich you can read next to the year, on the left side oft he template-for example “2012 17 items”.

    Thx in advance.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@dufi 430683 wrote:</em><blockquote>Did anybody find answer for this?:

    3. The word “items” wich you can read next to the year, on the left side oft he template-for example “2012 17 items”.

    Thx in advance.</blockquote>

    You can find it from templates/ja_lens/html/com_k2/ja_lens/category_item.php file

    <div class="inner item-inner clearfix">
    <h2><?php echo $timeline; ?></h2>
    <p><?php echo $this->yearCounts[$this->currTimeline]; echo ' item' . ($this->yearCounts[$this->currTimeline] > 1 ? 's' : '') ; ?></p>

    dufi Friend

    Great, thx! One more question…sometimes there appear also “Have ” (for example “Have 17 items”). This I cannot locate at above mentioned php file. Thx so much in advance!

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@dufi 430845 wrote:</em><blockquote>Great, thx! One more question…sometimes there appear also “Have ” (for example “Have 17 items”). This I cannot locate at above mentioned php file. Thx so much in advance!</blockquote>

    You will find it in this file: templates/ja_lens/html/com_k2/generic.php

    <div class="item item-timeline year-<?php echo $year; ?>">
    <div class="inner item-inner clearfix">
    <h2><?php echo $year; ?></h2>
    <p>Have <?php echo $ycount; echo ' item'; echo $ycount > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?></p>
    <input class="year-<?php echo $year; ?>" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $ycount;?>" />

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