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  • Radonja Djurisic Friend

    i have couple of questions 🙂
    as u can see image 1

    Arrow 1. Where to change font color on upper menu and background (i mean for black one that drop down! i found back image for top)
    Arrow 2. i want to put 5 rows so that “Ardes” will fit in line with others

    Here is image 2
    Arrow 1. when u click to “operite i osusite” u will get
    Arrow 2. kategory links that i create manualy
    Arrow 3. when u click to “ves masine – punjenje spreda”
    Arrow 4. i cant figure out how to display articles in 3 rows
    like i did in my older website
    here is example from older website…id=1&Itemid=98

    here is website that i work on right now….=77&Itemid=319


    TomC Moderator


    If you can provide a correct url to your site – as well as make sure “Optimize CSS” is set to “no,” I will advise you as to changing the menu item and background color. When I try to open your site via the link you provided at the bottom of your post, but it will not come up (404 error)

    As to your second question …. have you tried reducing the padding/margins for those logo images so as to provide for additional room for the additional logo image? Either that, or can you make the logo images a bit smaller in size?

    khoand Friend

    To change font color, you find this code from

    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega a.mega {
    color: #666; < you change bold text
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 20px;
    padding: 17px 17px 13px;
    text-transform: uppercase;

    To change background, you find this code from mega.css

    .ja-megamenu .childcontent-inner {
    background: #0A0A0A;
    border-bottom: solid 5px #1478C4;
    color: #666;

    khoand Friend

    Arrow 2: You login backend > Extensions > Template management > ja_minisite > layout tab > edit default layout. Replace

    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight">user1,user2,user3,user4</block>

    <block name="topsl" type="spotlight">user1,user2,user3,user4,user20</block>

    You set position of module has Ardes image is user20

    TomC Moderator

    wow, thanks khoand . . . . never would have figured that out on my own or anything.

    1. smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-animated-030
    khoand Friend

    Image 2,
    You must put <img> into <a>, like this:

    <a href="index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&Itemid=338">
    <img onmouseover="this.src='/pegasus/images/stories/kategorije/candy/operite%20i%20osusite/ves-masine-punjenje-spreda2.jpg';" onmouseout="this.src='/pegasus/images/stories/kategorije/candy/operite%20i%20osusite/ves-masine-punjenje-spreda1.jpg';" alt="ves-masine-punjenje-spreda1" src="/pegasus/images/stories/kategorije/candy/operite%20i%20osusite/ves-masine-punjenje-spreda1.jpg" height="216" width="180"></a>

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    Thanks guys
    i changed font color and background
    also i add position 20 (also i add this position in templateDetails.xml so i can see it from position list)

    Khoand u didn’t understand me on image 2
    i know to put link to categories
    problem is that i want to display that categories in 3 rows (i have many item=articles)
    something like i made on my other website

    Phill Moderator

    Hi tolja,

    To get things in 3 columns you have numerous options. We can hard code a layout, you can do it in the menu sort of, you can use the built in typography tools to do it and there are many other options. One that you may not have considered that might work really well is to use the JA Showcase component. As you are a developer member that is free for you to download an play with. It is the same component JA use to showcase the templates in 3 columns and works really well. Each one can link to an article of its own and you can style them as you please.

    Tell use which method you would prefer and we will try and help you towads your chosen solution.
    Try and decide which opt

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    I was playing around with css
    and i replace k2.css in template folder with original k2.css and i got 3 rows
    is this ok?

    for now only thing i saw that is not ok is voting “Rate this item” and title font from template
    as u can see

    also i try JA Showcase component! its really nice and i create 3 rows with it
    but it make me double job creating also in K2 to display info for product
    i like his design (also i notice if u click on info he remove my right menu)
    as u can see here

    khoand Friend

    <em>@tolja 263009 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    for now only thing i saw that is not ok is voting “Rate this item” and title font from template
    as u can see
    You find code from

    .itemRatingList a, .itemRatingList .itemCurrentRating {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    text-indent: -1000px;
    height: 25px; < change text to 14px
    line-height: 25px; < change text to 14px
    outline: none;
    overflow: hidden;
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;

    .itemRatingList {
    position: relative;
    float: left;
    width: 125px; < change text to 70px
    height: 25px; < change text to 14px
    overflow: hidden;
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    background-position: left top;

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    i want to change only one text sub menu to red (like on image)
    help 🙂

    1. red
    khoand Friend

    You find this code from

    .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.mega {
    line-height: normal;
    padding: 7px 10px;
    text-transform: none;
    color: red; < add this line

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@khoand 267964 wrote:</em><blockquote>You find this code from
    .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a.mega {line-height: normal;padding: 7px 10px;text-transform: none;color: red; < add this line}
    </blockquote> That would make all the items red, not just the one individual menu item.What the user is trying to do there is not easilly done with the system as it is.

    khoand Friend

    Yes,phill right.
    To change only color of Noviteti menu item to red, I think that using id attribute. To do this, add code into

    .ja-megamenu ul.level1 li.mega a#menu403.mega{

    Phill Moderator

    Good call Khoand. Adding the menu ID would do the trick but that got me thinking. In the Parameters (JA Extended) menu we can now add a custom class to apply to menu items. So if we go the the menu item and add in the additional class box red (make sure you put a space before the word red) then we can just define the class in template.css

    .red {color:red !important;}

    So from then on whenever we add the ” red” additional class to a menu item it will appear in red.

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