<em>@micheltorres 251220 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
I installed version 1.4.3 on a Joomla 1.5.23, and I am seeing some problems:
– When I create a new “voice”, the screen does not update, even through “refresh” of the browser. I need to go to the Dashboard to see the existence of what I created.
– The system insists to show in selectbox when creating a new voice, the forums Voice JATC Club, Club JAEC, JMTC JMEC Club and Club, even with them disabled.
I do not use any kind of cache!
Any ideas?
Thank you</blockquote>
Could you provide me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem.
Please use the following ticket link to update your information: http://support.joomlart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/75844
Best regards.