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  • MarDigital Friend

    First of all: Excuse my poor English… :-[

    My web page: http://www.mardigital.net

    I know I’m talking about old problems but I read a lot in the forums and cant make it to work correctly.

    First point, Reflect:
    I Wriet the class (with the WYSIWYG out) and the efect not work in main page but it work corectly when you go to the article. You can see this clicking on “NAFOSUB 2006” new. In the main page NO reflect and in the new page the pic reflect…

    Second point, ja-news:
    I installed it and it seems that work correctly, but the “headline” (titulares in Spanish) only show the picture of the first new, all the other news are published without picture…

    Somebody can help me to solved this two problems???

    Thank you very much!!


    MarDigital Friend

    Nobody can help me????

    nickolai Friend

    The reflection works for plain images but not {mosimage} in content.

    As said, if you click on the content the reflection is visible for {mosimage}…

    If anyone has anyone any ideas I would appreciate it.


    nickolai Friend

    Had problems with reflection on homepage…

    My workaround… Don’t use {mosimage} use plain image instead.

    <blockquote>Reflex Image

    To have a reflex image on your content, put the {mosimage} inside the <div> tag like this
    <div class=”reflect”>{mosimage}</div><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer est aliquet Sed lorem elit. Ridiculus leo quam Vestibulum et Al…

    Or if you are using a plain image, just put the class=”reflect” into your img tag, like this
    <img src=”…” … class=”reflect” />

    Nick Miletich 😀

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nickolai 17 years, 7 months ago.

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