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  • raulmvega Friend


    I had to add some text fields to the registration form, so I´ve created a registration form with Chronoforms, and works OK.

    But I want to add this form when you click on the Create an Account module of this template. And change too the link of the “Create an Account” button of the Login tab.

    My website is http://www.geniusconfcall.com/nuevaweb/

    I´like to know too how to traslate this login module.

    Thank you very much!

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi raulmvega,

    To translate this JA Login module, you need to:

    – open this file: language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_jalogin.ini
    – Translate whatever you want
    – Copy to : language/YOUR_Language directory

    raulmvega Friend

    Thank you!

    And what should I do to change the module and when clicking on Create an Account goes to URL and no-form opens? I want to redirect when clicking on “Create an account” to my new form for creating an account.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi again,

    You could open file: templatesja_mendozitehtmlmod_jalogindefault.php, you can see code looks like:
    [PHP]<a class=”register-switch” href=”<?php echo JRoute::_(“index.php?option=com_users&task=registration”);?>” onclick=”showBox(‘ja-user-register’,’namemsg’,this, window.event || event);return false;” >
    <span><?php echo JText::_(‘JAREGISTER’);?></span>
    you can customize onclick event to your own change 🙂

    This thread was missed to be replied and apologies for the same.


    raulmvega Friend

    I´ve looked for onclick events but I don´t know what to do. I just want to create a link to a URL… Could you please tell me what to write and where?

    A thousand thanks

    raulmvega Friend

    Solved, thank you for your help

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  raulmvega 12 years, 3 months ago.

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