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  • questbg Friend

    Hi Everyone

    Sorry, it’s me again :-[

    OK, here’s the scenario…

    I’ve created two new ‘banners’ module. These are called ‘real estate’ and ‘services’ I have published both modules into the ‘right’ section of the layout.

    I then created two ‘Ad Campaigns’, one for each module.

    Then I created two new banners, one in each campaign.

    This worked really well, however, the small problem I have is that the banners are actually touching each other like below:

    Is there any method of applying some kind of automatic spacing around these banners?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi questbg !
    Please send url of your site.

    questbg Friend

    Hi hainn84

    Thanks for the reply … I was worried nobody could fix this for me!

    Our ‘test’ site is here:

    I hope somebody can help as we will be ready to ‘launch’ the site in a few weeks.

    Thanks again

    questbg Friend

    PS. It’s the banners in ‘right’ module which are touching. I would like around 15 pixels vertical space between them.

    Menalto Friend

    If you add this to the css file will that help:

    #ja-col2 a img {
    margin: 7px 0;

    questbg Friend

    <em>@Menalto 61349 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you add this to the css file will that help:

    #ja-col2 a img {
    margin: 7px 0;


    Thanks Menalto … once again you come up with the goods!!

    Can I start a ‘Menalto on the JA payroll’ thread please? 😀

    One dumb question please … which CSS do I have to try and hack around in?

    Is it somewhere in /templates/ja_teline_ii/css/ ???


    Menalto Friend

    Hmmmm, if you gonna do some changes in the template it is allways in the template.css file(for joomla 1.5) and template_css.css for joomla 1.0.xx.
    Lets say you have a module called “mod_questbg” where you show something.
    The output of the module is like this:
    [PHP]<div id=”questbg”>
    <?php echo $html; ?></div>[/PHP]
    You have added a css file for the module in the modules folder which have this code:

    #questbg {

    But now you want to style it up a little and don’t have access to ftp to do the needed changes, the image you have allready uploaded to the images folder of the template.T hen you can just add it to the templates css file.

    #questbg {
    background: url(../images/yourbackground) no-repeat;
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;

    As long as you have a element on your site you can style it individually compared to all the other elements.
    Or while you are testing out things and modify you can allways create a new css file in the templates css folder ad call it “custom”, and add this in between the head tags in the index.php file:
    [PHP]<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl(); ?>/css/custom.css” type=”text/css” />[/PHP]
    Now you can play around with your stuff without be worried about removing some code from the original css file.

    questbg Friend

    Hi Menalto

    <em>@Menalto 61349 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you add this to the css file will that help:

    #ja-col2 a img {
    margin: 7px 0;


    Sorry, I’m being really dumb again and it must frustrate you guys! :-[

    Where exactly should I put this in the template.css file?

    I searched around and the only similar thing I could find was:

    #ja-col1 {
    float: left;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 50%;
    clear: both;

    #ja-col1 div.ja-innerpad {
    padding: 0 8px 0 10px;

    #ja-col2 div.ja-innerpad {
    padding: 0 0 0 15px;

    #ja-col2 {
    float: right;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 49.9%;

    Menalto Friend

    Just add it at the bottom of the file.

    questbg Friend

    OK, I’m on it!! Will be back soon. Plus, of course, I’ll take a backup first :p

    questbg Friend

    Thanks Menalto … it works!!

    Only thing is, how to get a ‘grey dividing line’ above the second module (Services) published in ‘right’ position, like the one in position one (Real Estate)?

    Otherwise … looking good!

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 61067 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Everyone

    Sorry, it’s me again :-[

    OK, here’s the scenario…

    I’ve created two new ‘banners’ module. These are called ‘real estate’ and ‘services’ I have published both modules into the ‘right’ section of the layout.

    I then created two ‘Ad Campaigns’, one for each module.

    Then I created two new banners, one in each campaign.

    This worked really well, however, the small problem I have is that the banners are actually touching each other like below:

    Is there any method of applying some kind of automatic spacing around these banners?


    Hi Chris,

    I saw the site, it is looking quite good.

    In regard the Real State and Services modules, when both are done with all the features that you and Menalto are discussing. Would please consider writing a “Tutorial” just like we are doing in the thread with Victor?

    There are several things I do not understand. And this would help me a bit to understand it.

    1. Would you please provide a snippet of your Modules window where the Real State and Services modules?

    2. You use the term “Banner” to create the contents of Real State and Services.

    • Option 2a.) Does this mean, you cloned the module “Banner”, for as many as you need, renamed them (as we discussed in the thread with Victor), and placed these Banner clones inside the Real State module? This would more like the Tab Mod.
    • Option 2b.) Or, did you create images for the various components, i.e., promax.png, michael-mcneill,png, bulgaria-com.png, etc. and placed the respective images inside either the Real State or Services module?

    The Option 2b. would be more similar to the “Photography” module but without the text. Just images and links, like these:

    <a href="http://www.joomla.questbg.com/index.php?option=com_banners&task=click&bid=13" title="Promax"><img src="http://www.joomla.questbg.com/images/banners/promax.jpg" alt="Promax" /></a>

    <a href="http://www.joomla.questbg.com/index.php?option=com_banners&task=click&bid=13" title="Mike Mcneill"><img src="http://www.joomla.questbg.com/images/banners/mikemcneill.jpg" alt="Mike Mcneill" /></a>


    for however many "banners" you want to include.

    Obviously, the Option 2b. is easier to create than the Option 2a. For the Option 2b. all you need to do is place them in the Module. The drawback, as I outlined is that the contents have to be changed (add, delete), edited or moved around manually to modify the content. The manual aspect makes it tedious, in the long run.

    The Option 2a. would require extensive modification to redefine the conventional banner module dimensions. The beauty of the banner format though is that once you have modified the dimensions. it is more easy to add, delete or modify the alloted hits for each Banner in the module.

    Also, with a proper scripting it may be possible to place “n” numbers of banners iin the module.

    3. When you are satisfied with the layout of , based from the suggestions of Menalto, would you please provide a grab of the complete Module window for Real State and Services modules?

    I do not need it right away, depending on how you did it, there might be a use beyond just an “ads module”, if it is truly a new module format, different from Photography format. Something like the Option 2a.[/B would be nice modular addition.



    questbg Friend

    Hi Cornelio

    Nothing so complicated I’m afraid!!

    I copied the module ‘banners’ and renamed it to ‘Real Estate’ and told it to publish in ‘right’ position.

    I then created a client, and banner for each one and uploaded a graphic for each as you can see!

    I then created a ‘campaign’ (Components -> Banners -> Categories in Joom 1.5) for both Real Estate and Services sections and assigned each banner in each section to the appropriate campaign and published!

    Then I modified the ‘new’ Real Estate module:

    Count = 12 (the number of Banners to include in the section)
    Category = The add campaign/category which the banners were assigned to

    I then changed from ‘Sticky/Randomise” which rotates several banners in one location (like the ‘banners’ module at the bottom of the demo), to “Sticky/Ordering” which then allows me to set the position of the banners in my module:

    Or at least that’s what I think I did, there was some trial and error en-route! I had to take a break, drink a beer and come back to it. Then it all clicked into place!


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@questbg 61405 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio

    Nothing so complicated I’m afraid!!

    I copied the module ‘banners’ and renamed it to ‘Real Estate’ and told it to publish in ‘right’ position.

    I then created a client, and banner for each one and uploaded a graphic for each as you can see!

    I then created a ‘campaign’ (Components -> Banners -> Categories in Joom 1.5) for both Real Estate and Services sections and assigned each banner in each section to the appropriate campaign and published!

    Then I modified the ‘new’ Real Estate module:

    Count = 12 (the number of Banners to include in the section)
    Category = The add campaign/category which the banners were assigned to

    I then changed from ‘Sticky/Randomise” which rotates several banners in one location (like the ‘banners’ module at the bottom of the demo), to “Sticky/Ordering” which then allows me to set the position of the banners in my module:

    Or at least that’s what I think I did, there was some trial and error en-route! I had to take a break, drink a beer and come back to it. Then it all clicked into place!


    Thanks Chris,

    This is more like Option 2a, you did create multiple copies of the orignal banners. Basically, the scripts that I stated above are already features in Joomla 1.5x (category, randomize, count, etc.) I have not really looked at the banner module as closely. I am not sure if those features in the Joomla 1.5x, for the banners, are found in Joomla 1.0x. When I went to the Joomla 1.0x Administrator:

    Component => Banners
    => Manage Banners
    => Manage Clients

    before I posted by previous inquiry, neither of the two choices provide the scripts (or the path Component => Banners => Category as you show in the first figure of the new Tutotial for Joomla 1.5x.

    I have a feeling that this is a unique feature of Joomla 1.5x. But just to check:

    Do you still have access to Victor’s site, after he changed the password?

    would you please confirm if my hunch is correct! Or, instead of accessing Victor’s site, I should give you access to some of the “playground” installations. It is easier to “Show and Tell” that way.

    The banner module actually does not have to be limited to advertisements. It is a more powerful “random” module, than the default random module, especially with what you show as additional features of the banners in Joomla 1.5x. The banners module may be used to randomize (show) the presentation of old contents of the site — using images as the enticer.


    questbg Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 61415 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Component => Banners
    => Manage Banners
    => Manage Clients

    That’s about the same as I have in 1.5:

    I created a new ‘client’ first for each banner. Uploaded a graphic for each client and then created a banner with that graphic and client info!

    However, you seem to be missing ‘categories’ which is essential as far as I can see! This allows me to set different ‘ad campaigns’ and include certain banners in each ‘campaign’ and each ‘area’ of the site.

    Some static, some are ‘rotated’ banners. I’m not sure how to try this in 1.0?

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