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  • delaticoalsotano Friend

    Ja Socialfeed is importing content with special (Spanish characters) but when it saves it as articles in joomla or K2 doesn´t show any special character like:

    á é í ó ú or ñ

    The original feed is ok, font is able to show special chars, but something between reading the feed and saving as article is not ok.

    For example:



    Saved by ja Socialfeed:

    Manos Moderator

    Can you please confirm the collation for your database ? This seems to me like a faulty db collation issue rather than a Joomla or JA, so let’s start investigating the problem based on that ! ( i myself make use of JA Wall in Greek which is even more difficult with no problems )

    delaticoalsotano Friend

    Well, sorry, i´m not sure about what u need from me.
    Got no problems with db at all since two years using this host.

    db is set to utf8_general_ci

    I don´t know if this is what u need. Still with same problem here.

    steinar Friend

    Have you tried using another font? It is quite possible that your font doesn’t contain the accented letters despite being UTF8. The quality of free downloadable web fonts may not always be up to par.

    delaticoalsotano Friend

    Thanks for your answer, but that can’t be the problem. In article manager, titles of obtained socialfeed items are bad too, without that Latin characters.

    As far as I can see:

    Db is set to utf
    Font is capable to show Latin chars
    Feed is given with special chars
    Articles saved in backend are like shown in Web, without special chars.

    I don’t know, but seems like socialfeed plugin is “filtering” feed and doing the job without special Latin chars.

    delaticoalsotano Friend

    Well looking further, the missing latin characters affect only to <h2> titles generated by socialfeed plugin, no matter if i send it to joomla or to K2. If i change titles manually everything looks correct but obiously this is not the point.

    delaticoalsotano Friend

    <em>@delaticoalsotano 336257 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well looking further, the missing latin characters affect only to <h2> titles generated by socialfeed plugin, no matter if i send it to joomla or to K2. If i change titles manually everything looks correct but obiously this is not the point.</blockquote>

    ¿No one? Is there another way to get support for this?

    ozzymanson2 Friend

    <em>@delaticoalsotano 336941 wrote:</em><blockquote>¿No one? Is there another way to get support for this?</blockquote>

    also i have the same problems with russian language in facebook ja social feed


    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Guys
    I reported to dev team via issue http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECPLGSOCIALFEED-48. Please follow it to get solution and upgrade plugin.


    delaticoalsotano Friend

    Hi, thanks! But i can´t see hte thread I´ve an account but the last existing thread is numbre 45 and yours is 48

    ozzymanson2 Friend

    <em>@delaticoalsotano 337120 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, thanks! But i can´t see hte thread I´ve an account but the last existing thread is numbre 45 and yours is 48</blockquote>

    +1 http://pm.joomlart.com/browse/JAECPLGSOCIALFEED

    delaticoalsotano Friend

    A month has passed by and no new info or solution here… >:( if any can consider it like a normal behaviour in paid item please explain it to me.

    Problem is that jasocialfeed plugin is not encoding feed´s items´ title in utf8 rest is ok. I don´t think this should take a silent month of making nothing. Feed info is with special characters but article title is generated without them. Text in article body is ok, font is able to show special chars and my BDD os utf encoded.

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    We have asked Development Team for this and they are working on your issue. We will fix it next month and will keep you updated on this.


    delaticoalsotano Friend

    Really need to solve this. First problem´s notification is from JULY we´re entering November and everything is like first day ¿What´s wrong?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @delaticoalsotano: We are fixed and release it next time.

    You can apply to this fix
    Replace the code:

    <?php echo $this->item->title; ?>
    With new one:

    <?php echo html_entity_decode($this->item->title); ?>

    And this bug has been resolved.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

This topic contains 26 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Ninja Lead 12 years, 1 month ago.

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