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  • njean Friend

    In the readme I read this:

    Specific banner image for each menu item

    Header images are stored in templates/ja_mageia/images/header/
    You can copy your own images into here and declare images in template/ja_mageia/index.php . In this file, you have this line:

    $ja_header_images = array (‘header1.jpg’, ‘header2.jpg’);

    That isn’t very clear to me. How do I specify I want, let’s say, header1.jpg for main menu entry # 1?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi njean !
    You can view following code section for detail :

    //define image array for wide screen and narrow screen at bout line 15
    $ja_header_images_wide = array ('header1.jpg','header2.jpg','header3.jpg','header4.jpg','header5.jpg');
    $ja_header_images_narrow = array ('header1-n.jpg','header2-n.jpg','header3-n.jpg','header4-n.jpg','header5-n.jpg');

    //get current menu id at about line 34
    $curidx = $tempTools->getCurrentMenuIndex(); // view getCurrentMenuIndex function in ja_templatetools.php file.

    //get header image following current menu id at about line 36
    $ja_header_img = 'header.jpg';
    $ja_header_images = ($JAconfig->ja_width=='narrow')? $ja_header_images_narrow:$ja_header_images_wide;

    if (count($ja_header_images)) {
    $curidx = $curidx % count($ja_header_images);
    $ja_header_img = $ja_header_images[$curidx];

    // set header image for background header
    <div id="ja-header" style="background: url(templates/<?php echo $JAconfig->template."/images/header/". $JAconfig->ja_color ."/". $ja_header_img;?>) no-repeat top right;">

    good luck

    njean Friend

    Thanks but I still don’t understand.

    Let’s say I have the main menu with an article link in it.

    Article ID is 44 and menu itemID is 68. How do I assign that page a specific header image?

    njean Friend

    No wait maybe I understand how it’s working…

    I’ve got a menu:

    – Link1
    – Link2
    – Link3

    First entry goes with header1, second with header2 and so on, right?

    Now, what if I have this kind of menu:

    – Link1
    – Link2
    —– Sublink 1
    —– Sublink 2
    – Link 3

    How to assign a specific image to SUblink 1&2? Now they both show header2

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi njean !
    getCurrentMenuIndex() is function get current id with menu level is 1 so sublink1 and sublink2 both show header2 .
    I think that for assign a sprcific image to menu ( parent menu sub menu or all level ) . easy way is using banner module then assign specific module for a menu.

    sskarli Friend

    Does it matter if one use Joomla 1.5 og 1.0? I use 1.0. Will it still work?

    emendabo Friend

    Iam using joomla 1.0.15 and iam not quite sure how i should modify my template to get the required result?

    thx in advane

    phiber0ptik Friend

    yeah – what about 1.0x ? what to do here ?

    mfcphil Friend

    You could simply make a copy of your template have different image in your header files then assign the copied template to the required pages.

    nigelmaine Friend

    <em>@hainn84 49375 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi njean !
    getCurrentMenuIndex() is function get current id with menu level is 1 so sublink1 and sublink2 both show header2 .
    I think that for assign a sprcific image to menu ( parent menu sub menu or all level ) . easy way is using banner module then assign specific module for a menu.</blockquote>
    Hi Hainn84

    Could you be a bit clearer about what needs to be done to get header images to display in sub menus please. I don’t understand about <blockquote>getCurrentMenuIndex() is function get current id with menu level is 1 so sublink1 and sublink2 both show header2 </blockquote>.

    I hope you can help as I have looked at every Forum post on headers.

    Thanks in advance,


    Stavros Xenides Friend


    Did anyone manage to resolve this issue rather than using BANNERS module?

    Like using getCurrentMenuIndex() or some sort of a similar API and customizing the index.php accordingly, so that sub-menus will be personalized with their header too?


    Stavros Xenides Friend

    <em>@cybele 198507 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Did anyone manage to resolve this issue rather than using BANNERS module?

    Like using getCurrentMenuIndex() or some sort of a similar API and customizing the index.php accordingly, so that sub-menus will be personalized with their header too?


    Me again.

    I think the best way (at least all worked for me), is using: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/photos-a-images/images-rotators/8514


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