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  • mariemusic Friend

    Hi: Where i write the title of the sections that i wnat to appear in the split menu…???

    ShannonN Friend

    mariemusic;21762Hi: Where i write the title of the sections that i wnat to appear in the split menu…???

    Hi Marie
    I really think you need to learn Joomla and how to use it, how it works before you really start to use advanced templates like these here are

    There is a great guide here to using Joomla and the administrator backend that is all about modules positions seo much more , it does cost money sure, but hey It’s worth it

    mariemusic Friend

    Thanks! Do you have a web like that in spanish??

    i dont wnat to modify as advance designer;)

    Im just want to do that, but in user guide doesnt explain …its too short explanation 🙁

    This is the menu instructions….butttttt where i have to write the names of sections???

    * JA Transmenu Menu: Famous animated, transparent JavaScript drop down menu.

    To choose your menu type, go to the 32 nd line in the “ja_olyra/ index.php” and change $ja_menutype to what you need.
    1 is Split Menu, 2 is Suckerfish, 3 is Transmenu

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Go to the spanish section on forum.joomla.org and search for information on how to create menues and sections. There you will find lots of useful information, all in spanish. Hopefully that will give you a clearer idea of how to modify Joomla backend

    lbarriocanal Friend

    Split menu is not working for me. Only Suckerfish and Transmenu.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lbarriocanal 17 years ago.

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