test melih
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  • eagle75au Friend


    Can someone please help me setting up 2 evenly spaced modules, or splitting ‘user 2’ into 2 halves. I have read some of the document but i’m lost and strapped for time! I could also use a module position between position 7 and position 5.



    Ninja Lead Moderator


    If you want to split user2 position to 2 halves, you can use this way.

    • Go to admin site -> template manager -> JA_Zite – Default -> Layouts tab

    • click Default layout:


    <block name="topsl1" type="spotlight" main-inner="1">user2</block>

    change to

    <block name="topsl1" type="spotlight" main-inner="1">user2,user22</block>

    Hope it helps


    1. Screen-Shot-2016-09-29-at-16.04.38
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