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  • jimesten Friend


    I would like to split the topsl module into 3 separate module positions, e.g. topsl1, topsl2, topsl3

    How would I go about doing this?

    Please see attached image.

    1. topslide
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jimesten !
    You can do it following some steps below :
    1. open templateDetails.xml file in templates/ja_fedora folder, add following code section between <position> and </position> tags.


    2. Open index.php file in templates/ja_fedora folder, find following code section at about line 118 :

    <?php if($this->countModules('topsl')) : ?>
    <div id="ja-topsl1"<?php if( !$this->countModules('top') ) {?>style="left: 0;width: 100%;"<?php } ?>>
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="topsl" style="xhtml" />
    <?php endif ; ?>

    change to :

    $spotlight2 = array ('user13','user14','user15');
    $topsl2 = $tmpTools->calSpotlight ($spotlight2,$tmpTools->isOP()?100:100);
    if( $topsl2 ) {
    <!-- BEGIN: TOP SPOTLIGHT 1 -->
    <div id="ja-topsl2" class="clearfix">
    <?php if( $this->countModules('user13') ) {?>
    <div class="ja-box<?php echo $topsl2['user13']['class']; ?>" style="width: <?php echo $topsl2['user13']['width']; ?>;">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user13" style="xhtml" />
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if( $this->countModules('user14') ) {?>
    <div class="ja-box<?php echo $topsl2['user14']['class']; ?>" style="width: <?php echo $topsl2['user14']['width']; ?>;">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user14" style="xhtml" />
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if( $this->countModules('user15') ) {?>
    <div class="ja-box<?php echo $topsl2['user15']['class']; ?>" style="width: <?php echo $topsl2['user15']['width']; ?>;">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="user15" style="xhtml" />
    <?php } ?>

    <!-- END: TOP SPOTLIGHT 1 -->
    <?php } ?>

    bett00 Friend

    I need the user 7 for example at least 60% regarding three modules in topsl (user 5,6 and 7)

    How can i change the width to each position?


    bett00 Friend

    I need the user 7 for example at least 60% regarding three modules in topsl (user 5,6 and 7)
    5=25%, 6=25%, 7=50%

    How can i change the width to each position?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi !
    calSpotlight function in ja_templatetools.php file only seperates to 4 part with same width, if you want change % of width , you must hack to code of calSpotlight function.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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