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  • yarivgoldman Friend

    Using the ja wall template my ssl cert does not appear correctly on any browser
    I get a message that the site is only PARTLY secure
    The server admins at hostgator say this is a problem with the template
    I have looked for solutions online – and found nothing that worked
    would appreciate any help

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Yarivgoldman,

    Sorry, pls clarify your issue in more details as I have checked your site and could not find any problem as you said. Please attach error screenshots for clearer.


    yarivgoldman Friend

    Hi there,
    I had to go into the several files that are pre built into the template and update them
    they had some mentions of http links vs https
    I cannot remember where I saw the instructions, sorry I can’t give a link
    anyhow, after checking this, all is well now
    I would just advise anyone having the same issue to look into their code and check in the various css files or headers for any links that have http in them, and either comment them out if they are unnecessary, or change them to https if they are hosted on a server with a proper cert
    Also, make sure you don’t have any images from other websites that do not link as https
    that’s it

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Yarivgoldman
    Ok, i’ll check on our demo and report to you if I find out any.


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