<em>@rwold 441412 wrote:</em><blockquote>I want to create a staff page but can’t figure out a good way to do so. I would want it to look some thing like this http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#ja_medicare. Are there any module that can do this in Ja feline iv?</blockquote>
The best way to figure out how to duplicate something that would be to figure out which module is used for that section (see the JA Medicare Documentation). Then use/install that same module/extension (if possible) within your JA Teline IV based site.
Then, inspect that section of the JA-Medicare template with an online web development tool like Firebug – i.e. inspect the CSS rules that are used to style that section. You might want to also download the JA Medicare template files themselves – so you can more easily copy over the relative CSS rules and customize them for your site.
In addition, use the DEMO BUILDER to create a temporary demo of JA Medicare to review the settings/configurations for the module (i.e. what kind of content is assigned).