I was wondering if Joomlart could please put up a Sticky to help us understand , in one post, the different ways to make our JA Teline V sites run faster.
I did search the JA Teline V forum for issues related to performance and I saw several different answwers to various questions about this.
In my case:
The Demo for JA Teline V gets this response from a tester: http://prntscr.com/892h3q
and my site, that was a fresh install, and with many less articles and images, and less things happening on the front page, ges this result: http://prntscr.com/892gqv
My site takes like 14 seconds to load new.
A summary post showing all the things we should take into account, especially in the form of a yellow sticky at the top of the forum, would be fantastic if possible, many thanks