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  • billzster Friend

    I have tried every post concerning the User5 – Mootab issue, and still have no results. I went as far a creating a test page with only the body and user5 published. I pushed the body to the right but I see nothing visible in the User5 area.

    I’m using the 1.5 full install
    The titles are set to show
    there is but 5 words to display on each module(to cut out length issues)
    3 modules to user5
    Used legacy and non-legacy mode

    Please help!:confused:

    mfcphil Friend

    Can you detail what you have done and what you have published in the user5 position

    billzster Friend

    Yes – 3 text based modules with 1 line of text in each. Titles visible, published in User5

    mfcphil Friend

    Do you have any items in your left colum and do they appear stretched?

    billzster Friend

    I have nothing in the left posted just user5 is enabled on a test article. I can see the user5 push the article to the right but User5 appears blak thoughh. Thanks for your replies I greatly appreciate it.

    mfcphil Friend

    ok put something in the left and if its stretched we know the user5 is working, even if its not displaying anything

    billzster Friend

    Yes it stretched all the way to the right

    billzster Friend

    I found the issue – Lucky for me!

    The 1.5 package (quick or Full) is missing the following directory which contains the css files.


    I grabbed it from a 1.2 package and uploaded it via ftp and BAMM….

    The hint was in the source code:
    <link href=”http://www.testsite.com/templates/JA Fagus/mootabs/mootabs1.2.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />

    No mootabs no mootabs…

    Thanks for your support

    mfcphil Friend

    This could be a very important find I will pass this information on. 😉

    Very pleased you got this sorted as the user5 is a great feature….I know as I use it

    billzster Friend

    I followed your previous post but when I just couldn’t no more – I asked for help. Ironic you came to give me support – Thanks!

    What are you using for Pub Quiz Venue in your site (Looks Great)?


    mfcphil Friend

    Its the mod_ja_header I got it from an older JoomlArt template. I will do a quick search for it for you

    mfcphil Friend

    Found it for you.

    Its in Ja Xenia II here is the link

    make yourself a folder inside your stories file for your images…pretty easy to set up really.

    Good Luck 😉

    mlim88 Friend

    Yep, missing /mootab/ folder in 1.5 quickstart package.
    un-zip the 1.0.x quickstart file and copy mootab folder to the respective location. Boom, it works for me.

    Thanks Billzster, great found.

    billzster Friend

    Thanks for the tip – got a great idea for it. I haven,t replied through my obession in customizing the new site. Thanks again!

    mlim88 – Easy find when you go back to basics and follow the code.

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  billzster 16 years, 7 months ago.

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