Hi Folks
I’ve just been trying to change the ‘Videos’ tab (first time since I upgraded to T3) and appear to be having some strange issues.
Originally, in T2, when the highslide popped up, it fit perfectly to the size of the video:
However, all the videos I’ve tried using today are bringing ‘extra stuff’ with them from YouTube which is causing bad scrolling / fitting issues:
I am using exactly the same code as I did before:
<li><a onclick="return hs.htmlExpand(this, { objectType: 'iframe', width:425, height:355 } )" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMIKULU2PT0&hl=en&rel=0" class="video"> Welcome to Gabrovo, Bulgaria </a></li>
Does anybody know why it’s doing this, or more importantly, how to stop it doing this! 😀
Thanks in advance