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  • dannyhunt Friend

    my website is well displayed when I go to the folder:


    but when I try the sub-domain link it is not displayed well:


    Any ideas on why and how to fix this?

    mj1256 Friend

    that is a path issue

    did you install the template to your joomla installation on your subdomain

    also, people have used subdomains to spam the search engines to death, they pretty much frown on their usage, you may be better off using a subfolder rather than the subdomain approach

    if you do a search for the subject here you will get more info

    dannyhunt Friend

    I installed in a folder and thought that after the installation I could simply point my sub domain to it. I thought it would look more professional and a better way of doing it. I will just point to the folder but I wish I could have named the folder differently. I don’t think I can rename the folder..right? My folder name is phia_joomla_main and I would prefer to rename it to portal or simply joomla.

    Do you have any idea as to why it’s not displayed properly when using a sub domain? I think the template or joomla is pointing at something different.

    Thanks again.

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