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  • benrud Friend

    Hello All,

    I just found a strange problem with the gallery navigation when you access a subgallery from the main gallery page.

    I know that’s confusing so if you follow these instructions you’ll see what I mean.

    Go to http://benrud.net/
    -click on Gallery from the main menu.
    -choose any subgallery with more than 20 photos
    -scroll to the bottom of the page of the subgalery and choose page two
    –you’ll see no images are displayed.

    If you navigate to a subgallery from the dropdown menu the page 1,2,3 menu works.

    Any ideas on fixing this?


    Sherlock Friend

    I have viewed your site, and i saw that everything is okie.
    Can u say what subgallery you choose ?

    benrud Friend

    go to benrud.net
    click on gallery
    scroll to the bottom of the page and select the “Subgallery” Puerto Rico – June of 2008 (it in the travel gallery).
    scroll to bottom of the page and use the gallery navigation (1,2,3,4,etc…)
    when I try to use this navigation it opens the next page, but doesn’t display any images.

    Sherlock Friend

    plz edit display.class.php. line 818 (components/com_rsgallery2/templates/ja_semantic/ folder)
    replace those lines

    function _subGalleryList( $parent ){
    global $Itemid;
    $kids = $parent->kids();

    if( count( $kids ) == 0 ) return;

    echo "Subgalleries: ";

    $kid = array_shift( $kids );

    while( true ){
    <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=$Itemid&catid=".$kid->id); ?>">
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($kid->name), ENT_QUOTES); ?>
    (<?php echo $kid->itemCount(); ?>)</a><?php

    if( $kid = array_shift( $kids ))
    echo ', ';


    function _subGalleryList( $parent ){
    global $Itemid,$rsgConfig;
    $kids = $parent->kids();

    $limit = rsgInstance::getInt( 'limit', $rsgConfig->get("display_thumbs_maxPerPage") );
    if( count( $kids ) == 0 ) return;

    echo "Subgalleries: ";

    $kid = array_shift( $kids );

    while( true ){
    <a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=$Itemid&catid=".$kid->id."&limit=".$limit); ?>">
    <?php echo htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($kid->name), ENT_QUOTES); ?>
    (<?php echo $kid->itemCount(); ?>)</a><?php

    if( $kid = array_shift( $kids ))
    echo ', ';


    benrud Friend


    THANK YOU! You are the man!


    jantonio Friend

    Sorry….that didn’t do it for me. I’m having the same issues. (JA AVIAN II ). Can you further assist?

    Seems like a pagination issue.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi jantonio.
    As you said in other topic, you cleared cache, and evreything is okie, if you have other questions, plz create new topic

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