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  • laciberes Friend

    Hi all,

    My question is about the active submenu colors.
    I could change the hover and active color in the main menu, but how can I get the same options as the template has in general?
    I mean when you select a main menu (Sports for example), the submenu changes it’s color, and it happens all the other menus as well.
    Anyway, I’m attaching a screenshot to show what exactly I’m talking about. I wold like to have the same effects on my submenus.
    Any guidelines would be highly appreciated 😎

    1. submenucolor
    khoand Friend

    I don’t understand what you mean clearly. Do you mean when you select main menu (blue background), color backgound of its submenu is red?

    laciberes Friend


    No, I mean, in the Ja TELINE IV template (when you install it with sample data), if you click on a main menu item (sports for example), you go to that page, where the submenu has a different color (blue).
    And its the same when you go to the Arts page for example (the submenu color changes to green).
    So my question is: how could I get the same effect, where the different pages have different submenu colors.
    I would like to have the same effect…different submenu colors on my diferent pages.

    Thanks for your help.

    laciberes Friend

    OK, I solved the problem!
    I the template manager I had to assign different color themes to different main menu items 😀
    Thanks for your help anyway!

    khoand Friend

    You login backend > Extensions > Template Manager > JA_TELINE_IV > GLOBAL > PROFILE OVERRIDE SETTINGS. Click ” Click To Add” to select menu you want to change color(ex: Home, Sport…). Click next yellow cell to select color.

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