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  • 7of9 Friend


    It has been now over a month since I opened this thread. Are you planning on fixing this?

    phong nam Friend

    Hi 7of9,

    We are sorry for the late response on this bug following. Our developer has already finished the bug fix on this Custom Fields issue, you can backup your templatesja_hawkstorehtmlcom_virtuemartcategorydefault.php file and overwrite it with my attached file. What he did is adding below lines at 209th:

    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    //please do check in php myadmin how your database table is called and replace it instead of "VM2_virtuemart_product_customfields"
    $db->setQuery('SELECT b.custom_title as custom_title, a.custom_value FROM #__virtuemart_product_customfields AS a LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_customs AS b ON a.virtuemart_custom_id = b.virtuemart_custom_id WHERE a.virtuemart_product_id='.$product->virtuemart_product_id.';');
    $customfields = $db->loadObjectList();

    7of9 Friend

    Thanks Leo,

    That solved it.
    Please let us know when this is updated to the template, so we will be able to update the template as well.

    phong nam Friend

    Hi 7of9,

    Actually, this is a VM bug since the default VM Category Layout doesn’t get and display correcly the Custom Fields (String type) of selected product items. That is why our developer has to add the more functions to get Custom Fields data of product item in the overridden VM Category layout.

    That is non-JA issue so that we will not include this bug fix in the next update of our JA Hawkstore template, but we still keep the solution here and suggest other JA members who have the same issues. Thank you !

    7of9 Friend

    Hi again,

    I found the same problem with module featured-products.

    Please advice.

Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

This topic contains 20 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  7of9 11 years ago.

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