It is now official. JA Teline II is the most popular template ever produced by Joomlart — judging from the total number of threads, response posts and the actual number of visitors at any given time of the day. I have been monitoring this — and except for the first few days, when a new template generates a buzz — the JA Teline II has a many as 2-3x more visitors at some periods of the day.
Many of us here feel that we need more support and be provided better manuals and tutorials. One way for that to happen is if Joomlart has more time to devote to these tasks.
One of the obvious solutions is for Joomlart to go to one template per month, like many of the more well-known templates companies, e.g., Gavick Pro, RocketTheme — and they even charge more than Joomlart. Whatever your side is on the issue, please vote
Poll: Suggestion Another vote: One template vs two templates
so that Joomlart will know your position.
Stop just complaining, standup and be counted. The poll is one way how you can make yourself heard.