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  • cgc0202 Friend

    On 23 rd July, Hung announced the planned updates of the templates

    Updating all templates to J1.5.4 and timelines of 3 upcoming templates

    It is true that there are 55 templates, but in reality, when I was analyzing the usage of the templates, based on the number of threads, total posts, as well as the dynamic users (at various times of the day), it is clear as shown below, that just a few templates (at most 12) capture the most number of threads and posts. When the dynamic users were included, Teline II was not only the one with the highest threads, total posts as well as the consistent number #1 in terms of dynamic users (this was done over a two week period), after the novelty period, it even beat the latest templates — no exceptions (especially if averaged).

    Most popular templates in terms of

    1. JA Teline II 5991
    2. JA Teline 4440
    3. JA Avian & JA Avian… 2346
    4. JA Xenia & JA Xenia… 2316
    5. JA Edenite 1795
    6. JA Rochea 1631
    7. JA Fagus 1622
    8. JA Mageia 1601
    9. JA Larix 1408
    10. JA Corona 1330

    Here are some other observations,

    1. more than 25 (almost half had no visitors at all during the period analyzed)
    2. based on total posting, about 10-12 templates were responsible for about 80% of the total postings (this will be refined later)
    3. this is true also for the dynamic visitors

    The second criteria had to be qualified however. Obviously, the templates that were older may tend to have more posts, than more recent ones. A better measure would be how the templates fared during the recent weeks (less the novelty weeks for new templates). I do not have access to this information though so I was not able to calculate the ranking.

    Assuming the posting and the dynamic visitors are good criteria (with the caveat indicated in the previous paragraph), more than likely Joomlart would be able to satisfy the most number of customers by considering the following factors:

    1. average dynamic visitors over a defined period of time (Teline II won this hands down)
    2. total posting the past two weeks (or month) => rather than total post
    3. If the second criteria is considered, more than likely some of the most popular templates listed above will be displaced by a few “newer” templates.

    During the first round that Joomlart did the 1.5x upgrade in January 2008, I did not see any rational for the priority of upgrade (except the chronology).

    Many of us who were using the original Teline at the time, advocated that it be given priority. We even initiated a Poll.

    But Joomlart did not listen, it was placed in the second tier (and not even the first), because it was an old template (June 2007???); in spite of the fact that the original Teline was the most popular template in January 2008.

    By the time Joomlart got around to it, there were so many bugs, I could not get it to work. I was so disgusted, I left Joomlart and moved to try the Gavick News template that came out that end of January 2008.

    This is anecdotal, but I do not see many of the veteran users of the original Teline in the forum, nowadays. Either they are perfectly happy with their original Teline (the Joomla 1.0x was very stable), or they might have left and never came back.

    I hope Joomlart listens this time and prioritize the upgrade based on the fact that less than a dozen templates were the ones that are used by about 80% of the customers (based on the criteria indicated above).


    cgc0202 Friend

    There is no sense rushing the upgrade, if in the end, the old bugs due to the template remains in the Joomla 1.5.4-JA template upgrade.

    The Hainn’s fix for example did a lot of the most annoying bugs encountered with JA Teline II. However, based on the changelog included (which seems to be incomplete or was not explained well, did not included many of those problems posted in the forum, that were later on fixed.

    Thus, as important the upgrade to Joomla 1.5.4 is, based on the underlying reasons cited by Joomla, the fixes to the known problem would be just as important. Please take the time to go over the Solved threads, and if credible do a fix.

    I realize that many problems were induced by the users, but let us not go there. The fact remains that there were legitimate problems (or bugs) that needed to be fixed.

    Otherwise, the customers are sure to complain more.


    Hung Dinh Friend

    Hi Cornelio,
    In the process of updating to 1.5.4 and while we are testing to get it ready for the download. Joomla 1.5.5 was out. And of cause we have to test them all over again. There will be no poin in releasing the update for 1.5.4 any more. We have to make them all 1.5.5 compatible.
    Stay tuned.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 70232 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Cornelio,
    In the process of updating to 1.5.4 and while we are testing to get it ready for the download. Joomla 1.5.5 was out. And of cause we have to test them all over again. There will be no poin in releasing the update for 1.5.4 any more. We have to make them all 1.5.5 compatible.
    Stay tuned.</blockquote>

    Thanks for responding Hung,

    I would understand why there would be no need to prepare Joomla 1.5.4-Joomlart template QuickStart Kit.

    However, my main suggestion is this:

    Instead of trying them all at once — which will really take very long, consider the most popular Joomlart templates. The popularity could be based on the total downloads of a template — a data I have no access to (please see note below) — that would be reflective of the total users.

    Thus, the sequence of preparing the Joomla 1.5.x-Joomlart template QuickStart Kit or for that matter what to fix (upgrade) would be

    1. Most popular Joomlart template
    2. 2nd most popular Joomlart template
    3. 3rd most popular Joomlart template
    4. 4th most popular Joomlart template
    5. 5th most popular Joomlart template

    and so on, until you reach the 55th or least popular Joomlart template.

    This priority should be true now, or whenever you make an upgrade (fix) or prepare any more updated QuickStart kits in the future.


    N.B. From my two-week analysis of the total threads, total post and the number of dynamic visitors in June 2008, for example, Teline II had on the average the most visitors at various times of the day. After a week or so after release of a new template, Teline II on the average beat even the more recent Joomlart template releases.

    Menalto Friend

    Start with the new ones and work your way to the oldest one:)

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 70389 wrote:</em><blockquote>Start with the new ones and work your way to the oldest one:)</blockquote>

    Not the best strategy Menalto.

    As I stated above, the total posts (most popular) may not be the best strategy either because it will tend to favor older templates.

    I did a different analysis today — comparing my data on June 18 and today — and I am amazed with the result. I will post it as a separate feedback.


    Menalto Friend

    I think its the best way to start on, since the code is almost the same in all templates since Dravity, its just a matter of test one template and then they know what to change on rest of them(if there is any changes at all).

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 70449 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think its the best way to start on, since the code is almost the same in all templates since Dravity, its just a matter of test one template and then they know what to change on rest of them(if there is any changes at all).</blockquote>

    Hi Menalto,

    That is true for most templates, except Teline II , I think.

    What must also be a consideration with Teline II is that from June 18- to July 29, more than 40% and 45% of all new threads and total posts, respectively were due to Teline II. The two templates, JA Edenite and JA Avian (#9) & JA Avian II (#13) that were available as of June 18th, accounted only for just more than 15%, all the total threads. All the other templates ever created by Joomlart (see note below) is even less than or almost equal to that of Teline II — 40.67% (all other templates, except the two mentioned vs 40.75% for Teline II. The two other templates were quite new by June 18th JA Helio (#5) and JA Iolite (#4) in terms of chronology garnered only 4.43% and 4.33%, respectively, in tems of total threads. I looked at the postings, and a signiiicant part of the postings for both were just “trashing” the two new templates, if you recall.

    Almost two dozens of templates had not postings at all since June 12th.

    As I anticipated in the previous posts, the priority should not be based solely on what is referred to as the “Most Popular Forums — as listed in the Forum Intro page.

    For example, the 2nd most popular, the original JA Teline, did not fare very well with 1.57% (#15) in terms of total new threads during the period June 18th to July 29th. This is not surprising to me however because many users of JA Teline II are either quite happy (very stable template) or many migrated to Teline II.

    This is true also for

    1. JA Xenia & JA Xenia II, 1.28% (#21)
    2. JA Rochea, 1.48% (#16)
    3. JA Fagus, 1.28% (#19)
    4. JA Mageia, 2.07% (#12)
    5. JA Larix, 3.25% (#7)
    6. JA Corona, 2.95% (#8)

    where the number in bracket is the ranking based on total new threads during the period June 18th to July 29th, although listed above based on their ranking in the most popular lists in the Forum Intro, after the others already metioned.

    The best parameter to use would be the total downloads because that would be more telling of how many customers are using each template. As I stated, I do not have access to such data, so I cannot analyze them.

    There are quite a few interpretations that could be presented for the above observations. Nonetheless, failure to realize the above mentioned fact is the cause of many problems, dissatisfaction and frustrations of customers with Joomlart.


    N.B. The last three templates was not included because they were not available by June 18th.

    Menalto Friend

    For Teline2, an upgrade for that one, well.
    I suggest that they dont start with that one. Get a full list over changes needed to be done in one of the newer templates, and then it wont take more than a day to change the others. If there is any changes needed ofcourse.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 70510 wrote:</em><blockquote>For Teline2, an upgrade for that one, well.
    I suggest that they dont start with that one. Get a full list over changes needed to be done in one of the newer templates, and then it wont take more than a day to change the others. If there is any changes needed ofcourse.</blockquote>

    That may be how fast you work Menalto but that may not be the schedule of Joomlart itself, because they have other stuff to do. to quote Hung:

    Below are planned timeline of the three upcoming templates

    2nd template of July: 22~25 July
    1st template of August: 05~08 August
    2nd template of August: 18~20 August </blockquote>

    There is what is called a 20-80 rule in business, where the upper 20% is the source of most revenue. Thus, if you do not focus on those 20%, you may have a lot of “business” with the 80% but not much revenue or more important profit.

    In relation to the Forum, the “most trouble” in the case of Joomlart is caused by a single template — Teline II. This is even more critical if it turns out that it is also the most downloaded template (I do not have that data).

    So, if Joomlart keeps on delaying addressing the issues related to Teline II and focus their priority instead on the other 54 templates first, they are courting trouble. It got good publicity by being the first to implement a Magazine format, but it could easily backfire on Joomlart, if disgruntled users spread around that their issues are not resolved.

    This is similar to the recent black eyes on Apple — popularity is a double-edged sword.


    Menalto Friend

    Well, i wont teach JA how to work, or what they should do first or last or whats important or not, i just give out my own opinion on this.

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