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  • abealpha Friend

    Here come my suggestions to improve this extension, plz if any other have more ideas plz post it 🙂

    1.- Any way to autoupdate translation in changes? (Maybe clear associations and unpublish when modify the article) Will be nice an oprion for “do nothing, unpublish or trash”
    For example if u do cahnges in one article, when push “translate all” this article do not change in other languages.

    2.- Any way for when u install a new languages to add the new content languages before do a first translation? (This will be nice when u do a new site and u are not starting on English (UK))
    English (UK) English (UK) en-GB en en en
    SpanishES SpanishES es-ES es es es (lack)
    … (lack)

    3.- Auto create Language Switcher module
    Module with potions to chose flags do u wana apper and or dropdown (dropdown with flags will be amazing 🙂
    For example if u hve 20 languages in ur site and u wana put 5 direct flags and then, down the dropdown menu with the 20 languages

    4.- If u are looking an article and u change the language u go at home of this language, any option to remain on the same link in the language selected?

    And other time, thanks for do the first step to be free in this world 🙂

    PD: Sorry for the mistakes, I’m not English :-[

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Hello abealpha,

    First of all, Thank you for your suggestion to improve our product 🙂

    Below are replies for your items:

    <blockquote>1.- Any way to autoupdate translation in changes?</blockquote>
    As JA Extension uses Bing Translator service to automatically translate your content, it can help you to save once and can be used as draft translation, but you might need re-translate this draft later.
    And your final translation is the most IMPORTANT, that’s why we do not automatically update your articles because we do not want your translation is lost in any case.

    <blockquote>2.- Any way for when u install a new languages to add the new content languages before do a first translation? </blockquote>

    The feature for automatically creating content language based on language that user installed is available in current of JA Multilingual. You just need install new language, and enter “Translate All” button, you can see content language will be automatically created.

    <blockquote>3.- Auto create Language Switcher module</blockquote>
    Language switcher module is core Joomla extensions, so it is always available in your system. To config it displays as drop down flags, please follow up this thread

    <blockquote>4.- If u are looking an article and u change the language u go at home of this language, any option to remain on the same link in the language selected?</blockquote>

    You might forget to enable Language filter plugin, or enable “Menu Association” setting in its configuration form. Please follow up our document for more details

    abealpha Friend

    Nice all solved 😀

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  abealpha 11 years ago.

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