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  • tom_laan84 Friend

    500 – JHtml: :formbehavior not supported. File not found.

    It does this when i:

    Want to edit an article from front-end
    Add a new article from the front-end

    Joomla 2.5.11

    huttanus Friend

    I have the same problem neither adit or create from front end with the T3 default template

    huttanus Friend

    I Have the file but changed it to the one you attached. But it’s still the same problem. This is the BUG report :
    Call stack
    # Function Location
    1 JSite->dispatch() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/index.php:42
    2 JComponentHelper::renderComponent() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/includes/application.php:197
    3 JComponentHelper::executeComponent() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:351
    4 require_once() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/helper.php:383
    5 JController->execute() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/components/com_content/content.php:16
    6 ContentController->display() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:761
    7 JController->display() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/components/com_content/controller.php:74
    8 ContentViewForm->display() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/application/component/controller.php:722
    9 JView->display() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/components/com_content/views/form/view.html.php:78
    10 JView->loadTemplate() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/joomla25/view.php:205
    11 include() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/plugins/system/t3/includes/joomla25/view.php:649
    12 JHtml::_() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/plugins/system/t3/base/html/com_content/form/edit.php:16
    13 JError::raiseError() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/html/html.php:123
    14 JError::raise() /storage/content/89/160289/sincityrockclub.se/public_html/libraries/joomla/error/error.php:251

    tom_laan84 Friend

    i Fixed it by replacing edit.php with a 1.2.3 version form a backup.

    The file is located in:


    Seems there is a bug in recent changes in that file.

    Hope this fix works for you.

    huttanus Friend

    The tom!
    Could you please support me with a link to the file or maybe attach it here in the forum?

    tom_laan84 Friend


    I can’t attach files. Only admins / support can. But i zipped it and uploaded it to my development site. here is a link:


    Hope this fixes your problem untill they patch it.

    huttanus Friend

    You made my day!!!!!!
    Thank you very much:D

    jojo12 Friend

    Hi, because I have the same problem and behavior.php doesn’t work, can you please open your
    http://www.tltest.nl/edit.php-T31.2.3.zip. It needs a password. like that I cannot use.

    It must be the problem of the template, because with beez2 there are no problems!

    jojo12 Friend

    Hi, I made a lot of tries. With the official beez2 and 5 in joomla 2.5.11 I don’t have this problem.
    I cannot go back to 1.2.3 so my only solution is to use beez2 template only for this unique page to submit an article (or to use uam)
    That’s really bad for t3 and I hope this will be resolved with a quick update!

    (I have to say, that I tried the proposed solution which didn’t help.)

    tom_laan84 Friend


    Sorry for late response,

    See updated link here: http://www.tlwebdesign.nl/edit.php-T31.2.3.zip

    i recently blocked public access to my development URL.



    jojo12 Friend

    Thanks tom_laan84 with your help it works
    (not only for joomlas submit article, but too for user article manager!)

    Need to look very good when there will be a new update (1.2.5)

    jojo12 Friend

    Hi, back again, I updated you t3_plugin 1.2.5. and the problem came back. I had to do the same patch from tom_laan84 like in 1.2.4.
    Why others don’t have this problem with your official plugin? I cannot understand!

    phong nam Friend


    It is a bug of our T3 framework. The bug fix will be released in next version in the end of this May. Temporarily, there are two methods to solve this issue:

    1. Follow tom_laan84’s guide.
    Tom, Thank for your great work.

    2. Open pluginssystemt3basehtmlcom_contentformedit.php, then replace:

    JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');


    if(version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')){
    JHtml::_('formbehavior.chosen', 'select');


    tom_laan84 Friend

    Hi Leo,

    Where can i go to report problems like these? Now that T3 is not just Joomlart’s and the T3-framework.org is up. It seems everything is kinda of scattered. I registered at t3-framework.org but never received a confirmation e-mail so i can’t login there.

    phong nam Friend

    Hi Tom,

    If you got any problems with our T3 framework, you can raise your thread at this T3 framework box.

    In addition, we welcome all feedbacks of developers for our T3 framework on https://github.com/t3framework/t3/issues. The issue reports will be collected & solved quickly if persists.

    <blockquote>I registered at t3-framework.org but never received a confirmation e-mail so i can’t login there.</blockquote>
    Can you check out your spam folder ? The confirmation email can be sent into that.


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