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  • ploopik Friend


    on indication of Joomla I recently tried to update the T3 framework & Argo template. Somehow this update must have failed as after running these updates the site is not reachable anymore. The environment which I wanted to update is on a subdomain on which we are currently developing a new site (using the Argo template). I’m unable to log in (administrator log in not reachable). I know it’s stupid but I haven’t made any back-ups from the customized site before (only from the live site but that one doesn’t use any JA templates yet).

    Only after updating I read in a forum post that I should have used the JA Extension updater instead. Is there a way to recover or roll back the failed update or should I consider it lost?

    For your information: we are using Joomla v2.5.

    Thank you in advance.

    Manos Moderator

    You may try to disable the JA T3 (using phpmyadmin) plugin and then install it again.



    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    thanks for your quick reply. I can give your suggestion a try but to be honest I have no clue how to do that in phpmyadmin. Do you have some more details?


    Manos Moderator


    You need to look for the table _extensions ( img 1 ) http://prntscr.com/1l0oqh
    Then you can edit the JA T3 plugin and disable it -> http://prntscr.com/1l0owo (make 1 to 0)

    Try this and let me know if that helps you out.



    ploopik Friend

    Thanks. I will try to do this tomorrow and let you know.


    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    I’ve found the Extensions table but it doesn’t seem to contain any row with a T3 or Argo reference…..
    Can it be that both rows are deleted before any update is processed?


    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    my conclusion was a bit too fast. I found another extensions table containing the T3 and Argo rows. I’ve set both rows to “0” (disabled).
    Unfortunately this doesn’t change anything: the site is still not available. Any more things I can try?

    Manos Moderator

    The backend should be available now and you can install the plugin that comes with the original download of the template. After that you will be able to use the JA Extension Manager to update the plugin.

    If you can’t access the backend please let me know



    ploopik Friend

    <em>@pascm 385252 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    If you can’t access the backend please let me know


    No, I can’t access the backend.

    Manos Moderator


    Can you please post a link to your site?



    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    it concerns: dev.avparthenon.nl (avparthenon.nl is de “live” site which is a quick and dirty set up site to provide some basic information).

    Thank you in advance for your efforts.

    Manos Moderator

    That can’t be only from the faulty update, looks like there’s more that has been damaged, please create a full backup and then try to upload Joomla under this account (without overwriting any files that you have modified nor the configuration.php file) and check how that goes.

    If you can provide me with a full backup i can try to make it work on my localhost and then upload the working copy for you.



    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    thanks again for your reply. To be sure: do you mean that I should create a full backup of our live site (avparthenon.nl) and upload it on the subdomain (without overwriting the customized files) or do you refer to a new copy/download of Joomla?

    I’ve spoken to the person who was in the process of customizing the template and he told me that it was not that bad if everything he created was lost. Up and until now he mainly focused on configurations (testing the responsiveness) and he hasn’t done that much customizations yet.

    Anyway, will try to follow your suggestion this weekend. Thanks!


    Manos Moderator

    Hi Peter,

    I never said anything about your live site i was only referring to the JA Argo installation

    ploopik Friend

    Hi Manos,

    I’ve tried to to upload the Argo template again but unfortunately without any result. What I’ve done:

    1. Downloaded the jatc_argo_j25.zip file
    2. Unpacked the zip-file and navigated to the Argo template directory
    3. Uploaded it to the Argo template dir on the server

    Anything I should have done differently. Perhaps also a re-install of the T3-plugin (but to which directory?)?

    Thanks again.


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