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  • tijj Friend

    I have not modified any T3 files or template files. After I add a number of menu items in megamenu and add columns, at one point the backend crashes and the open T3 – Template – Style page is BLANK.

    /index.php?option=com_templates&view=style&layout=edit&id=23 is BLANK.

    I use Joomla latest version – 3.1
    Laest versions of T3 framework and T3 Blank Template.

    I have debug on and error reporting – MAXIMUM but the page is blank and shows no errors.

    Out of many times that I tried, I once got this error:

    Notice: Undefined variable: list in …………../plugins/system/t3/base/html/mod_menu/default.php on line 23

    phong nam Friend


    I will check & try to fix this issue if you can send me PM with valid login info (also include the site admin url).


    tijj Friend

    Thanks Leo. I have sent you a PM with admin details. Thank you so much for your help !


    tijj Friend

    <em>@Leo Burnetts 375102 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I will check & try to fix this issue if you can send me PM with valid login info (also include the site admin url).


    Hi Leo, I see that you logged in to admin. If the problem cannot be solved for T3, please let me know so that I can use some other framework. Its a straight forward addition of menu items and breaks the framework.

    My site development is at a stand still so if T3 will not work I need to choose something else and move on.

    Thanks for taking time to look at the issue.

    phong nam Friend


    I am really sorry for my late response. Our T3 developer helped me to fix this issue on last Monday.
    The main reason: Your server doesn’t support preg_replace which performs a regular expression search and replace in pluginst3includescoreadmin.php:

    $body = preg_replace('@<forms[^>]*name="adminForm"[^>]*>(.*)</form>@msU', $buffer, $body);

    Pls check it out !

    tijj Friend

    Thanks Leo.
    Do you know if I can just comment that line? Will there be any issues?

    Again thanks for the awesome support.

    phong nam Friend


    Pls open pluginst3includescoreadmin.php at line 34 & compare with the below codes, you will know the changes of our developer.

    $body = preg_replace('@<forms[^>]*name="adminForm"[^>]*>(.*)</form>@msU', $buffer, $body);

    * Remember to BACKUP this admin.php file when you upgrade our new T3v3 version.

    raroit Friend


    When i click on templates-styles-JA fubix (on all templates) i get a blank

    I recently updated T3

    Please advise how to fix this


    1. blank
    phong nam Friend


    This is an error of our T3 on new Joomla 3.2.2 that we will release the stable update short coming time. At the mean time, you can refer this tip to solve this problem. Do not forget to inform me how it goes.

    raroit Friend

    awesome, that works


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  raroit 10 years, 10 months ago.

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