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  • adrianjg Friend


    I have built a web page using the T3 Framework and the T3 Blank template. At the bottom of each page there is a footer (I think) that has the breadcrumb info showing you which page you are on. By default the color of this area is a grey color 2f2f2f (I think) and the color below it is a darker grey or black 222222 (I think). I want to change these colors. I have tried editing the template.css file located in …./templates/t3_blank/css/template.css but it doesn’t seem to work???

    Any help would be appreciated.



    tilovas Friend

    Hi Adrian,

    First of all you need creat a “custom.css” file in: “…/templates/t3_blank/css/” Then type this code:

    .t3-footer {
    background: #FF0000

    This code will change the foter background color to red.

    If you want change and copyright color (it’s bottom of footer) then tipe this code:

    .t3-copyright {
    background: #0000FF

    Don’t change anything in the template.css file, because you can lose your info/changes when you will update the template. Use the custome.css file. More info about creating custom.css and using: Link GL!

    adrianjg Friend

    Thank you for the help Tilovas 🙂

    This has worked for the copyright area but for some reason the area just above the copyright area that contains the “breadcrumbs”, what I assume to be the “footer” area has not changed. Is this perhaps because this is the “navibar” area?

    I also notice in the link you supply that the site says that custom.css is included by default. I guess they have changed that because it didn’t seem to be included by default in my case.

    Once again, thank you for the help.


    adrianjg Friend

    Hello Again,

    Problem solved. I placed the following code in custom.css:

    .t3-navhelper {
    background: #2a4dab

    Thanks again


    promulgate Friend

    Hi this works, yet I have added some footers link using custom html modules in the footer positions and the background colour is not transparent and so stands out.

    I cannot seem to be able to override the style in my custom.css file

    <em>@tilovas 372567 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Adrian,

    First of all you need creat a “custom.css” file in: “…/templates/t3_blank/css/” Then type this code:

    .t3-footer {
    background: #FF0000

    This code will change the foter background color to red.

    If you want change and copyright color (it’s bottom of footer) then tipe this code:

    .t3-copyright {
    background: #0000FF

    Don’t change anything in the template.css file, because you can lose your info/changes when you will update the template. Use the custome.css file. More info about creating custom.css and using: Link GL!</blockquote>

    1. 7Ii5xNf
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