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  • piszi Friend


    I, have some problems with SEF ULRs.
    I have a template with component disabled on the front page and I also have CB for user management.
    The first problem is with the CB login module lost password link. When I click it I get nothing except the header, menu, and modules which are enabled for all pages. and the URL looks like this with sef enabled localhost/demo/component/comprofiler/lostpassword.html
    the second problem if I click on the confirm registration link in the reg. email I get the same empty page like before.
    And the third problem is with two of my CB plug-ins: AdsManager and Eventlist. They have same problem like before url looks fine but when you click it you get nothing just the empty page.

    I think the problem is that these URLs doesn’t have Itemid and becouse of this the default (frontpage) itemid is called, but if I modify the code and put &Itemid=XXX (where XXX=the component’s menu itemid) than the URL is translated (routed) wrong. I get soenthing like this whatever.html&Itemid=XXX

    I tried sh404SEF but with sh I had more problems with the core joomla sef.
    Please help. What can I do?

    Blaine Friend

    Hi piszi!
    Have you tried your CB with another template to confirm the template is the issue?
    if not, please use one of the standard Joomla templates that comes installed with Joomla and report back if problems still exist.

    piszi Friend


    I tried with the Milkyway template and with that everithing worked fine but in Milkyway you don’t have option to use more than one profile/layout like in T3 so the main component area is always loaded.

    I was able to correct almost everithing.
    1. eventlist CB plug-in I don’t know why but if I change the order of the url parameters in the components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php like this index.php?view=details&id=1:event&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=XXX than it is working.
    2. adsManager CB plug-in I didn’t investigated it in great depth but there is an $itemid = 0 declaration which is messing up the url so I changed it to my AM menu id and now its working.
    3. CB LostPassword an other things I coudn’t figure out where is the problem so I changed the login form action url and lost password url to the full url instead of the variable which is there by default. and added JRoute to get SEF urls.

    There is only the reg. confirmitaion url left 🙂 but I think I will add &Itiemid=xxx after in the email template 🙂

    Blaine Friend

    <em>@piszi 280714 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I tried with the Milkyway template and with that everithing worked fine but in Milkyway you don’t have option to use more than one profile/layout like in T3 so the main component area is always loaded.</blockquote>
    I just suggested that to be sure it was template related.
    <em>@piszi 280714 wrote:</em><blockquote>I was able to correct almost everithing.
    1. eventlist CB plug-in I don’t know why but if I change the order of the url parameters in the components/com_eventlist/helpers/route.php like this index.php?view=details&id=1:event&option=com_eventlist&Itemid=XXX than it is working.
    2. adsManager CB plug-in I didn’t investigated it in great depth but there is an $itemid = 0 declaration which is messing up the url so I changed it to my AM menu id and now its working.
    3. CB LostPassword an other things I coudn’t figure out where is the problem so I changed the login form action url and lost password url to the full url instead of the variable which is there by default. and added JRoute to get SEF urls.

    There is only the reg. confirmitaion url left 🙂 but I think I will add &Itiemid=xxx after in the email template :)</blockquote>
    Well, it seems the problem has been solved, yes? If you need more help, please feel free to ask. maybe asking about the CB in their forum would benefit you as well.

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