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  • robyrom Friend

    I have update T3 at the latest version solving the error 500 problem but now I have lost my @font-face settings. Is there some issue with this update? What could I do to restore my settings?
    Thanks in advance


    pavit Moderator


    If you used Ja extension Manager to update the t3 framework you can rollback your update, save your changes and then update again

    If not you should repeat the changes done

    robyrom Friend

    Which changes you are hinting to?

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>I have lost my @font-face settings</blockquote>

    To which settings are you referring exactly ?

    robyrom Friend

    I added some lines defining a font I would use and this functioned fine but after the update the woff font is no more visualized in my pages. I made no changes in the css lines, simply it doesn’t work

    pavit Moderator


    Please take a look HERE it could Help

    robyrom Friend

    Thanks a lot! I surely will read it carefully, but by the while the problem seems to have disappeared by itself….;)

    robyrom Friend

    In the embed font in ja t3v2 section I see that in the font folder one has to copy there is a css file then linked in the modification of an xml file: what has to be setted in that css file? Thanks in advance

    pavit Moderator

    Take a look HERE It generates the stylesheet css file

    robyrom Friend

    I read the guide you mentioned in the Embed web font in T3 section and made the modifications suggested now I have this question and situation:
    question: have I to insert in bootstrap.css the @font-face indications?
    situation: doing the above modification the font works fine in Chrome but it doesn’t work in Firefox.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  robyrom 10 years, 8 months ago.

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