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  • victorio404 Friend

    There is a pagination problem when using t3v3(blank template v1.2.1) + sh404sef(or acesef) on category pages with more than 2 pages.
    All pages after the first one are with same links “…page-1.html”.
    Changing the template to any other that T3 solves the problem.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Did you try to update T3 plugin and template to the latest version? Backup your site first before proceeding.

    victorio404 Friend

    The plugin and the template are the latest version – 1.2.1
    The problem seems to be the plugin, because if i switch to other template the pagination is ok.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Could you pm me admin and FTp account for further checking?

    victorio404 Friend

    sure, PM sent

    Saguaros Moderator


    Could you send me link of page where problem can be seen? I’ve had a look at your site and it seems that all pages are using Flexicontent component, not the default joomla.

    victorio404 Friend

    Flexicontent is replacing the default joomla content component on install yes.

    The link is in the PM: http://test.ultracruises.co.uk/Destinations/Caribbean/

    If you activate any other template the pagination is ok. It is broken only when T3_blank is active.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you disable that Flexicontent extension for further checking? as I can see, its own CSS is applied to the view of content in your site.


    victorio404 Friend

    The pagination is ok with the default joomla content. Aparently the problem is when there is a combination of Flexicontet+t3v3+sh404sef.

    Saguaros Moderator


    Did you change your site? I cannot access your site again 🙂

    splico123 Friend

    I have same problem when T3 is turned on, with sh404sef turned on and K2. Problem dissapears if i switch to default joomla template but comes back right when the T3 is on and JA template kicks in. Getting redirrection every time to the 1 page of the multipage layouts.

    Saguaros Moderator


    You can pm me admin and ftp account of your site, I will check this issue for you 🙂


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi guys,

    The problem here is that both T3 and SH404sef overwrite Joomla pagination (JPagination class). Both of these support and can work fine with Joomla default pagination but using both may cause issue. This is common issue with 3rd party extensions. You can make a comparison of these following files to see the difference:

    Joomla standard: librariesjoomlahtmlpagination.php
    T3 framework: pluginssystemt3includesjoomla25pagination.php (or …includesjoomla30pagination.php)
    SH404Sef: administratorcomponentscom_sh404sefpagination.php

    Currently, in order to make it works, you can comment or remove line of code, as in this thread, which calls the overridden pagination class of T3. However, this way will make you lost some markup defined in T3’s overridden pagination file.

    Anyway, will pass this to the dev team for further consideration and be back to you when having better solution.


    victorio404 Friend

    Thank you!
    That solves the problem with flexicontent pagination too 🙂

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

This topic contains 14 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  victorio404 11 years, 7 months ago.

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