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  • djmarkus Friend

    here is my site I am going to add another Tab on the TAB Menu called News. Well i wont fit because the size width of the others need adjusting to fit the new one in perfectly

    Can some tell me how to do this so an extra tab entry on the tab menu fits

    khoand Friend

    You put news tab firstly, please. And I will fix it

    djmarkus Friend

    ok done its on the tab menu know but drops down. they all need to be evenly spaced with no space left over

    khoand Friend

    My way is that reducing size of tab items, font size by:
    – Edit <joomla url>/plugins/system/jatabs/jatabs/themes/portfolio/style.css file

    .portfolio .ja-tabs-title-top ul.ja-tabs-title li {
    background: #CACCCD;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #B5B5B7;
    border-right: 1px solid #B5B5B7;
    border-left: 1px solid #E2E2E5;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-bottom: -1px;
    width: 140px; <-- edit value
    height: 60px;

    .portfolio .ja-tabs-title-top ul.ja-tabs-title li h3 {
    font-size: 100%; <--change value
    font-weight: bold !important;
    line-height: normal;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 15px 15px 10px 55px;
    color: #88888A;
    border-top: none;
    background-position: 15px 15px;
    background-color: #CACCCD;

    djmarkus Friend

    what would the sizes be then to have exactly 7 tabs fit perfectly with no left over space. This way if you know then I dont have to keep doing the trial and error method of changes the values.

    please here is my take on the template in this example

    khoand Friend

    Choose width value is 135px

    djmarkus Friend

    great stuff what would it be if I decided to keep just 6 tabs then

    khoand Friend

    What exact question do you ask?

    djmarkus Friend

    <joomla url>/plugins/system/jatabs/jatabs/themes/portfolio/style.css file i cant find this route for jtabs

    khoand Friend

    Because I use portfolio for joomla 1.6. You use portfolio for joomla 1.5. You edit <joomla url>pluginscontentja_tabsthemesportfoliostyle.css file

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  khoand 13 years, 5 months ago.

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