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  • sarah2009 Friend

    Hey everyone,

    This new version of my site based on Ja Helio and integrating a new component of reservation and adding a new language.


    Any comments/suggestions welcome!


    sunrise Friend

    Hi Sarah, All I can say is that it looks really good, and workd well. Great job.

    jsliao Friend

    Hi, found some mistakes and suggestions for you.

    Home page:

    Sign up, receive a 5€ discount and take advantage of all our offrers
    should be offers

    The Faq link should be all caps. FAQ?


    navettedisney-aeroport.comuse PayPal the web's
    missing space between your URL and use

    For the meeting points, it would be nice to have pictures or floorplan maps so people know exactly where to go?

    For how it works, some capitalization issues. Try to be consistent.

    And across the site, try to place links to various pages whenever possible like when you mention contact us, link it to the contact page. etc etc.

    Overall, a very professional and nice looking site. Good job!

    sarah2009 Friend

    Merci sunrise, christinal and Jsliao for taking a look.
    Thanks Jsliao for your comments, the mistakes are corrected now.

    hassene Friend

    Great job Sarah !
    What’s the name of the module that you used for booking Transfer?

    gavind Friend

    Great site Sarah, I can see that all languages works well on Chrome too.

    michelebugliaro Friend

    Looks ok! :laugh:

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  michelebugliaro 10 years, 10 months ago.

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