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  • peterpeter Friend

    Unbelievable !!
    I’ve been trying to change the width of the right column in Teline III since 2 months ago. I’ve read every post and comment, some solutions work only partially – I can change the widths of both – left and right columns (3-column classic layout), I can set the vertical lines OK, etc., but it’s never quite right: 1000px total width – 200px left column, 500 center and 300 right. Simple. But not with Joomlart. I noticed that only about 11% of all the questions regarding Teline III had ever been answered. That includes you, and me, and all the other users who wrestle with templates with no documentation and virtually no support, and try to help each other. What is the percentage of questions actually answered by the creators of these templates? I don’t think it’s more than 1%.
    All the templates seem to be made of patches. No fresh code, but patches plugging holes in oldere pieces of code when a new template is created. Working with a Joomlart template is like investigating a crime: no straight answers, just constant figuring out based on clues. That’s why it is so hard to set simple parameters: patch on top of another patch and all together a riddle almost impossible to untangle. Even the simplest questions remain unanswered, or unanswerable.
    I’ve lost some 4 months wrestling with Teline III – besides, all the remaining templates seem to be made the same way: nothing really fresh, like a brand new code, instead – old BS with patches.
    The most annoying of all is how the developers treat us: thousands of threads and questions never answered, go figure. Very, very amateur.
    I should have ditched this long ago, but it’s like a challenge: I – I, cannot figure it out? Hey guys, get yourselves another template, stop loosing time.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator


    Thank you for your latest rant. I’ve gone back and read the others you have written in hopes of seeing what issue you have asked that hasn’t been addressed. But apparently I am overlooking it. Your latest complaint, which is repeated in most of your other previous 11 posts, states that no one answers your posts. In every single one of your posts, I can only find that all…all…have been answered and…all except this one so far…by MULTIPLE people who took time out of their day to try to help you.

    I’m sorry you believe our product to be inferior. We would have hoped that somewhere in the 206 downloads you’ve made to date you would have found something of use to you.

    Now, if you have a new question concerning Teline III can you state it directly in two lines or less so that we can effectively give you an answer.

    Thank you,

    peterpeter Friend

    Thank you John. I got really frustrated over something I could not fix.

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    No prob.

    If you run into an issue, just drop a line and I’ll give it my best shot.

    Have fun!

    peterpeter Friend

    Hey, thanks, I read most of your posts too, lots of good stuff.
    Anyway, I also read some 75% of ALL Teline III posts, and the overwhelming impression is that most of the questions are unanswered by the creators of the templates. They really are good templates, complicated as hell, true, but good. That’s the reason why problems should be addressed quickly. There really is no coherent user guide, people get frustrated and mad. A company developing such great products should care about its own image little better, and not rely on forums so much. Plus – a good, complicated product requires more explaining, right? There are tons of people who do not realize how complicated these templates really are until they start playing with them.
    I still have a whole bunch of problems myself, although I was able to figure out some of them. After reading – I think – all posts about adjsting column widths, I am still unable to get what I want. I tried all (or most) the solutions presented, including yours. Nothing works though.
    Teline III is especially tough because of the colors, but I still think that half of the junk code could easily be eliminated. Some functions could and should be written as options and not as a hard code burried deep inside some obscure file. It would be so much easier to use, especially for newbies.
    OK, I am still working on those issues I did not resolve. First priority is column widths in 3-column classic. Next: changing module, category and section text colors from stamdard black to the color of the section (just like links and “More…”).
    Thanks for you reply and for your involvment, you’ve got some answers so far. COngratulations.

    peterpeter Friend

    Hey John:
    One more thing: just today, my entire site vanished. It still asks for the user and the pass (site is not published yet), and then – a blank, white page.
    Clue: tried to add a Contact Us form.

    See, this whole thing requires you to be very, very strong mentally over a very long period of time…

    uniquebiz Friend

    Hi Peter
    Wow, you sure are finding T3 challenging aren’t you? But cheer up when the site is finished and working fine you’ll have a surer knowledge and a source of joy and bragging rights! Peter to try to help I need to run past you a few general questions as I cannot view the site or source code, ok?

    I’m unsure how a new contact form can stop the site from displaying, you say it still asks for user and pwd. Is that to view the site as normal … did you enable ‘maintenance mode’ to hide the site or do you mean to try to access the administrator area it still shows the login panel?

    Second have you made a site backup prior to the customize work that you believe caused this? If so just restore it and start again. Most here use Akeeba ( formerly Joomlapack) backup easy to use good and essential when trying to customize code heavy sites like Teline III ..

    You can get it here

    My only solution would be to grab a copy of your database and store as a backup, then using PHPMyAdmin from your Cpanel look for the new fields etc created by the contact form generator ( such as chronoforms) and remove them.

    Attempting as it were to restore the db to it’s prior state. as long as you know the name of the contact form and what generated it you should be able to find the items easily enough, I’m unsure whether MySQL logs a creation date for the fields I’m not that skilled with DB’s, but if it does that may assist in identifying the items.

    Sorry for the length of this post, but I’m trying to cover the bases as best I can
    Blessings Shannon

    peterpeter Friend

    I forgot to mention the most bizzare clue: magazine menu.
    Actually, there are two: magazine (the one I use) and “magazin” (with no “e”) with mostly duplicate menu items. Both are default (asterixes), the second one impossible to get rid of (it is default too). I tried to delete it during the same session.
    Please see this: – posted in February.

    peterpeter Friend

    Thank you Shannon – I think it is the magazine menu that caused it (please see above).
    I ofcourse do have back ups, but you know how much work it is. I have – over the period of a few months – 206 downloads. This is in most part Teline III over and over again, in hope that there will be a newer version. I had to rebuild the site several times – apparently quick start causes some conflicts and either front nor back ends become unaccessible. That I have resolved by installing regular install (no more lio-in problems).
    See this 🙂…650#post164650

    peterpeter Friend

    I don’t have the Thank You button to hit it…
    Yes, the user and pass are required to see the front end, because it’s not ready to be shown yet.

    peterpeter Friend

    Hi John, here is the latest to keep you posted: the login box does not show up anymore. Nothing, just white page.
    I tried to uninstall and reinstall the template, then I tried to replace individual files from my earlier backups to try to pin-point which may be at fault, but to no avail, unfortunatelly.
    Tomorrow I will try copying the whole database to a copy of the template I have in a subdomain. We’ll see…
    Best regards, Peter

    iboux Friend

    <em>@uniquebiz 181878 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Peter
    Wow, you sure are finding T3 challenging aren’t you? But cheer up when the site is finished and working fine you’ll have a surer knowledge and a source of joy and bragging rights! Peter to try to help I need to run past you a few general questions as I cannot view the site or source code, ok?

    I’m unsure how a new contact form can stop the site from displaying, you say it still asks for user and pwd. Is that to view the site as normal … did you enable ‘maintenance mode’ to hide the site or do you mean to try to access the administrator area it still shows the login panel?

    Second have you made a site backup prior to the customize work that you believe caused this? If so just restore it and start again. Most here use Akeeba ( formerly Joomlapack) backup easy to use good and essential when trying to customize code heavy sites like Teline III ..

    You can get it here

    My only solution would be to grab a copy of your database and store as a backup, then using PHPMyAdmin from your Cpanel look for the new fields etc created by the contact form generator ( such as chronoforms) and remove them.

    Attempting as it were to restore the db to it’s prior state. as long as you know the name of the contact form and what generated it you should be able to find the items easily enough, I’m unsure whether MySQL logs a creation date for the fields I’m not that skilled with DB’s, but if it does that may assist in identifying the items.

    Sorry for the length of this post, but I’m trying to cover the bases as best I can
    Blessings Shannon</blockquote>

    my site doesn’t display fully under IE8, specially the module position user 9, 10 and col-miss2. what can i do to fix it? my site url is

    Saguaros Moderator

    Dear iboux!

    I saw a lot of dirty codes in your site, they seem to generate by MS Word, please try to check and remove them. After done Your site ‘ll work on IE

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 14 years, 4 months ago.

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