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  • peterpeter Friend

    Hi everyone using Teline III.
    My problem is quite unbelievable.
    After installation, the demo version (quick start) works perfectly OK for a few hours. Since I have done changes and created menus, sections and categories and so on, I have it all saved on my computer (as individual jos_ files).
    Three days ago I suddenly lost access to the back end, and have tried every trick in the books. I was unable to change the password even though the host’s back-end (DB) would accept new passwords fine and would save them, but still, the site would not be accessible. Even the host’s technical support could not help.
    I deleted everything, created a new database and reinstalled the template (QS). I configured it and uploaded/replaced all jos_ files I used before, and practically recreated the site. 2 hours later I could not get to the Joomla back-end again.
    The whole process was repeated, with the difference that this time I installed Joomla 1.5.17 separately, and then installed regular version of Teline III + the modules and plug-ins. I copied fewer jos_files this time, without the ones I suspected to (maybe) cause conflicts. 20 minutes later I had no access to the back-end.
    Now I have deleted everything, cleaned and deleted extra databases end started from scratch with a new QS installation. Everything went very smoothly. Then I cautiously installed the most essential jos_ files (sections, menus, categories, menu types), checking my log-in after every upload. After I finished I logged-out and in at least 50 times to see if everything works OK. After 2 days of hard work it was finally OK.
    20 minutes ago I noticed that I cannot get to my Joomla back-end.

    Does anybody have any idea what could that be? Note that, replacing the original jos_ files back does not help. I tried that many times, separately and by replacing the entire DB back to the original.

    sgdnet Friend


    If your system infected with any malware or adware, it deletes the file system or modify or add new code to the files, so you cannot login to the admin.

    its keep on change the file system again and again after restoring the backup as well.

    I am not sure this is only the reason but this is the major cause. If you provide the url, i can say what exactly it is.


    peterpeter Friend

    This is what I wrote in response to the e-mail I received from the developers. I hope it explaines the whole issue at least partially. It was not delivered though and was returtned by maildeamon.

    Hello Gentlemen:
    I fund what causes the whole site to become inaccessible. I installed several subdomains and installed Quick Start Teline III in each of them. Then I copied jos_ files one by one, until I fund the one that kills the site.
    I repeated that several times to make sure. So, when the User and the Password are entered, it just gets reloaded back to the empty fields but without warning that the U and P are wrong. It seems therefore that both, user and password are recognized, but something blocks the site from loading. The file that causes this is jos_plugins. It comes from my main site where I tried to test various components, including 3rd party. There were two components I installed prior to this. One is HotelGuide offered by IndochinaPhoto, and the other is a set of modules called ZOO. Of course, I am not sure if any of them causes the problem and am not saying they actually do, but then I installed no other components.
    I tried the Hotel Guide but decided not to use it and I deleted it. The site still worked OK after that, but I am not sure if I needed to re-login or not. The ZOO bundle was never enabled, although the plugins were uploaded, but I never used it. So it would appear that one of these might have something to do with permanently locking the site. HotelGuide is not finished yet, the guy who put it together wrote to me not to install it yet (he offers a download though) and wait for a newer version, but he does not offer a warning on his site and I had already uploadedit. His work though looks wonderfull.
    Please note that changing passwords in DB does not help, so “admin” and “secret” method is useless. I would like to figure it out completely, because I still do not know exactly what it was.

    Anyway, it has nothing to do with your template, which I think is a wonder. The title of my post was intended to turn attention, and it apparently did. Maybe finding out the precise cause of the lock up of the site will help other people to avoid plugins that do not belong to the template. Maybe we can make a list of components that are dangerous.

    As for me – I will keep several subdomains and subdirectories with copies of my site and where I will test EVERYTHING before installing any module to the main site. My problem should be a warning to all those who just comb the net, find whatever, and put it on their sites. And then BOOM – a tragedy.

    I appreciate your great work, keep it up and – really – Teline III is a great piece of ingenuity. Most people just don’t understand it.

    peterpeter Friend

    Even though nothing else was isnstalled, one of my subdomains stopped working. No way to get to the site all over again. Any ideas?

    peterpeter Friend

    Is it possible that there is something in the Quick Install version?

    toymaker Friend

    As a common problem resolution rule, if something works and stops working later on, it’s not likely that the problem will be found inside the installation files. It could be, but its not likely.

    I have not been able to replicate your problem in my localserver so Incompatible plugins/components is the best guess.

    If this is not the case, then I’d really think that there’s a security problem associated with your case. If not, then it could also be an automatic backup software that is messing around with you. (I’ve seen that happen before once or twice… the user saved a file, and then the server reverted the file back to something else… quite anoying if you ask me 🙂

    You could resolve this issue doing a fresh install and backing up the whole installation (include database).
    Then install one plugin at a time until your server fails. when it does, revert the isntallation to the fresh install and install the problematic plugin and make your server fail. Then backup that installation and make a file/database comparison of the fresh install versus the faulty one.

    I know… I know, it seems like a lot of work, but in fact this is what I would do if I really needed the site to work with this components.


    Saguaros Moderator

    Thanks for toymaker’s help on this

    peterpeter Friend

    Thanks for your involvement. I tried it all, even replacing individual files. However, a completely fresh installatoin of Joomla 1.5.17 and then the regular version of the template (not the Quick Install), and then installation of plug-ins and modules, seems to work fine. I am not 100% sure yet, but so far the site has not crashed.

    toymaker Friend

    Backup!! Do a backup of your site (complete site, not only the theme) and also backup the database.


    peterpeter Friend

    Hey, ofcourse
    I do backups all the time: DB, individual files etc. Still didn’t figure out what was the reason for Joomla to stop recognizing the User and Passwors, all of a sudden. Anyway, regular installation works OK. I keep several subdomains where I try all plugins and modules. Time consuming, but assuring.
    I still think – in general – that SilverStripe is a much better system, but I’m to far with Joomla now to go back.
    Regards and thanks.

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