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  • jantunes Friend

    Well, I Know Iam not alone, because someone else mentionned this in an earlier post:

    Teline IV for Joomla 1.5 is using too much CPU. Check my numbers! My webhost wants me to move to a dedicated webserver because of this… although I just have about 300/500 visitors daily, I’ve no comments, no login in (just 50 users) no downloads, no video streaming or anything else. Just text and small images.

    Stats for 02 Apr 2011:
    CPU Usage – %4.84
    MEM Usage – %1.27
    Number of MySQL procs (average) – 0.09
    Top Process %CPU 71.00 [php]
    Top Process %CPU 69.00 /usr/bin/php /home/fotod4/public_html/index.php
    Top Process %CPU 59.00 /usr/bin/php /home/fotod4/public_html/index.php

    I’ve cleared the front page from almost everything, it is mainly the barebones Teline IV, and still it does not work. I’ve tried with cache on, cache off, broswer cache… and nothing works. I

    I’ve 2 modules from Gavick working there, but I also have them on other tempaltes in other sites and they are not responsible for that load. Everything was fine before installing Teline IV. I changed in Jjannuary, in March I started to have problems. I’ve asked Joomlart for help but… my request was lost in translation, they don’t seem to understand what the problem is… I’ve told them the exact same thing…

    Another user has mentionned this problem before


    but no one seems to be able to give us (me) an answer. Maybe here someone knows what is wrong.

    My website is a photography news website, with just small images (600×400 maximum) and text. I’ve had in on since 2008 without any problem, even with previous Teline (II, I guess) but now I’ve got problems, and I can not just change the template for testing…

    Any idea?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    There are 3 types of cache which you should know:
    – global cache in admin > global configuration > cache
    – template cache, enable in template config page
    – modules cache, enable in each module config page.

    Have you try enabled all these cache? How many modules are there on your frontpage? Could you provide me with the site link?

    jantunes Friend

    Hi hungnd

    I’ve the global cache on, the template cache and also cache on modules that don’t need to update much. But this is a news site so I do need some fast updating on the Teline IV frontpage modules.

    I’ve the template frontpage alomos on its bare bones, I’ve removed Flickr photo streaming and animated gifs and still the CPU usage is high. Any ideas?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jantunes 13 years, 9 months ago.

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