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  • helloneo Friend


    In Teline Spotlight module mod_jacatslwi_j15, is there a way to show the first image instead of last as a thumbnail from an article? I have 2 images in my article and the 2nd (last) image is shown in the spotlight. Ideally first image should be sown!

    There is following code in helper.php in mod_jacatslwi_j15, I think this function returns the image that is used
    function replaceImage( &$row, $autoresize, $maxchars, $width = 0, $height = 0 ) {
    global $database, $_MAMBOTS, $current_charset;
    $image = “”;
    $regex = “/<img.+srcs*=s*”([^”]*)”[^>]*>/”;
    preg_match ($regex, $row->text, $matches);
    $images = (count($matches)) ? $matches : array();
    if (count($images)) $image = $images[1];


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