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  • elbahri Friend

    I have an issue with the space in hot topic. My picture size is 200 x 150 but the sliding ”wall” is larger than my pic. Should I enlage the pic and how big, or reduce the sliding ”wall” width

    I have 3 hot topics to add in my front page. Even the pictures are all the same size, only one picture appears in my front page.

    I also have a question. When I click on my mod_jacatslwi, I can not see the css. If I have to make change please advise where to make change to the code.

    I would appreciate a help, if possible

    websit: http://www.el-bahri.com

    Thanks you in advance

    1. telline-Hot-topic.doc
    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi elbahri ,

    I can find the css of this module but there are not images in this module.

    elbahri Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 114090 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi elbahri ,

    I can find the css of this module but there are not images in this module.</blockquote>
    Hi and thank you for your help.

    Please let me fix one thing at the time.

    I have 5 items in my mod_jacatslwi with pictures in each of them, with a background color pink.
    In the back end, when I click on mod_jacatslwi, my picture set-up is Image width: 180, Image height:152 and module height is 200.
    All the pictures I am using are sized to H: 170 and W: 140, but I can not see them in the front end.
    I am assuming that the pictures are smaller in size than the module, then they should fit. Am I wrong?

    Anonymous Moderator

    I think this issue is from your images/resized folder.
    This folder is not exist or no writable.

    Could you please send me your admin account, ftp account via PM, i will fix this issue to help you?

    elbahri Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 114683 wrote:</em><blockquote>I think this issue is from your images/resized folder.
    This folder is not exist or no writable.

    Could you please send me your admin account, ftp account via PM, i will fix this issue to help you?</blockquote>
    Thanks a lot. should I send my password of my back end? I don’t know how to make this private, please let me know.

    Anonymous Moderator

    please click my nick name -> Send a private message to JA Developer to send your information.

    elbahri Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 114904 wrote:</em><blockquote>please click my nick name -> Send a private message to JA Developer to send your information.</blockquote>

    Did you amange to look to my problem. I think there is still the same problem. Thanks for your reply

    Anonymous Moderator


    I have checked your website and saw that there is a space in the name of image. For example: http://www.el-bahri.com/images/resized/images/stories/profile entreprise_85_100.jpg

    Please try to remove this space, i think this module will do again.

    elbahri Friend

    You are an Angel. Thank you very much, it worked very well

    bookpeg Friend

    How do you use hot topic

    elbahri Friend


    I don`t understand your question. Can you please clarify. I can help you if I can but I don`t know what you mean, If you have a problem, let me know

    bookpeg Friend

    Yes i dont know how to place articles in hot topic do you know how?

    questbg Friend

    Hi bookpeg

    Basically, Hot Topic works like any other article. As you installed the QuickStart you will have a section called ‘News’ which is where the Hot Topic articles are placed.

    Create a New article. Select ‘News’ as your Section and ‘Hot Topic’ as your category.

    The ‘Title’ of your new article:

    Is what’s shown on the Hot Topic before you point your mouse at it:

    In the article, the piece of text that you have before the ‘Read More’:

    Is the text that is shown when you mouseover the Hot Topic on the site:

    Complete the rest like any other article.

    Note: They look much better if you resize your pic to 150 pixels x 200 pixels before you upload them.

    Any questions, give me a shout!


    bookpeg Friend

    Thankyou !! very helpfull.

    bookpeg Friend

    I have at some point deleted the news section and hot topic category does anyone know how to get them back…

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 15 total)

This topic contains 15 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bookpeg 15 years, 7 months ago.

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