test melih
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  • nysfda Friend

    Hello, I’m trying to edit the width of positions 1, 2 and 3 in a particular template. But when I do the changes I make to that particular template are occurring in ALL my templates.

    For example, in the template titled "Interior_Page_Template_3" I pulled out positions 1, 2 and 3 so that they extended the width of the screen. I saved my changes. When I went to view the site, the homepage which uses template "LaurieTest_2" was showing positions 1, 2 and 3 altered as I did in the "Interior_Page_Template_3".

    Can you explain to me what is happening and how I can edit specific templates without affecting the other templates in use?

    Thank you,

    pavit Moderator


    You are using a very old template release ( 1.1.3 ) and T3 Framework release ( 2.5.2 )

    After you taked a whole website backup ( database and folders ) update both extensions

    After updated you can do in this way , instead to use a template copy you can duplicate the layout file and work with it

    To have it done go to this folder /templates/ja_biz/tpls/ and copy and past the home.php file renaming it as you prefer ( newhome ) then when you edit your new template layout, changing positions width select the new file from layouts .


    1. Screenshot_8-7
    2. Screenshot_7-8
    nysfda Friend

    The updates have been performed.

    I’m not clear on your explanation. Copy and paste to where?

    pavit Moderator

    I’m not clear on your explanation. Copy and paste to where?

    In the same folder /templates/ja_biz/tpls/

    nysfda Friend

    I apologize, I’m not a developer and I don’t understand where you are telling me to paste the copied home.php text.

    When I follow the file path you are suggesting and click on the tpls folder I am not given any area to paste into it just shows me a bunch of sub menus (see screenshot).

    1. tpls
    pavit Moderator


    I copied the new layout file in /tpls folder and named it new-home , then i assigned this new php layout file to your template style "Interior_Page_Template_3 " and changed positions width.

    As you can see the changes are applied only to this layout style, your layout "LaurieTest_2" is still keeping it’s own settings


    1. Screenshot_11-1
    2. Screenshot_12-1
    nysfda Friend

    This isn’t something that I am able to do as I do not have access to the web server to access these folders. I was able to edit each template individually by going to templates/styles and then clicking the desired template within Joomla! to edit. I did not have any problems with my changes affecting other templates until recently. Is there a way other then the way you described above (since I don’t have the access to perform those steps) that it can be done in Joomla!? It seems ridiculous that the functionality is presented but doesn’t work properly.

    Thank you.

    pavit Moderator

    This isn’t something that I am able to do as I do not have access to the web server to access these folders.


    This can be done also inside Joomla itself, it is not needed to access web server, also i already done it, so you do not have to do nothing else, but only to select the proper layout already created by me.

    It seems ridiculous that the functionality is presented but doesn’t work properly.

    It works fine, if you know how to do it, everything is already described into T3 Framework documentation HERE

    nysfda Friend

    Can you explain step by step how you accomplished this? Your explanation is not clear to me. I have to do it again with another template file.

    Thank you.

    pavit Moderator

    Can you explain step by step how you accomplished this? Your explanation is not clear to me. I have to do it again with another template file.

    There is nothing much that i can add to what was already into the documentation
    You should follow these steps : for example let’s say you want to duplicate and change default layout

    1) Copy default.php file in this folder /templates/ja_biz/tpls/default.php and rename it for example default-new.php

    2) Duplicate a template theme for example ja_biz default and call it ja_biz default_new

    3) in this new template assign into layout tab your newly created layout file (default_new)

    4) Now you can change all settings in this new layout and if you want to add new positions or change positions order to it then you can edit your /templates/ja_biz/tpls/default_new.php

    Hope my explanation is clear now.

    nysfda Friend

    Thank you. You are telling "what" to do, I’m asking for instruction on "how" to do it. For example, in #1 above

    1) Copy default.php file in this folder /templates/ja_biz/tpls/default.php and rename it for example default-new.php

    How do I copy a default php file into a folder and rename it?

    If you could please explain the how and not the what I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    pavit Moderator

    If you do not have an ftp access to your folders then you can download and install THIS EXTENSION It is simulating an ftp client .

    Or you can do also in this way

    Go to Extensions -> Templates -> on the left sidebar you can find 2 menu items
    1 – Styles
    2 – Templates

    Click on Templates -> Now you can see a list of templates installed on your website

    Click on Ja_biz Details and Files link

    On the left sidebar you will see all folders contained into your /templates/ja_biz/ folder

    To copy and rename a file first select it ( img-1)

    click now on new file (img-2)

    Add new file name in field copy file (img-3)

    scroll down until you can find the folder in which you want to add your copied file (img-4)

    scroll up to click on copy file button

    Now you have your default.php duplicated in default_new.php ( img-5)

    Best regards

    1. img-1
    2. img-2
    3. img-3
    4. img-4
    5. img-5
    nysfda Friend

    Excellent, thank you!

    How about instructions for the following steps:

    2) Duplicate a template theme for example ja_biz default and call it ja_biz default_new

    3) in this new template assign into layout tab your newly created layout file (default_new)

    pavit Moderator

    Go to templates

    and follow instructions as per images below

    1. Screenshot_2-2
    2. Screenshot_3-1
    3. Screenshot_4-2
    nysfda Friend

    Ok, I followed all your steps and created a new template called "Pages that use positions 4 5 and 6 Template", I went in and turned OFF positions 4, 5 6 in the "large" view under layout. This change is STILL AFFECTING THE ENTIRE SITE. I want to be able to edit a template so that I can apply it to the home page and it not affect the rest of the site.

    If you go to these two pages:
    There is supposed to have modules in positions 4, 5 and 6. But since I made the edits to my new template "Pages that use positions 4 5 and 6 Template" they have disappeared from these pages.

    I need to be able to make changes to one template and not have it affect the rest of the site. Please help.

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