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  • zengel Friend

    I want to disable template colr and font chooser for users. How can I success this ? special thanks for your help.

    Menalto Friend

    Open up ja_vars.php and you have the settings there

    zengel Friend

    I found it and delete the other colours options then I used ftp to replece it but ftp blocks replecement and tells me ‘permission denied’ and ‘critical error’. I have this problem not only for ja_vars but also with logo and other options, what can ı do. ftp also blocks the renamim the files, I can do anything at this point

    Khanh Le Moderator

    You could change the setting for $ja_tool. To disable Color and Font tools (enable only Screen tool), set $ja_tool to 1.

    $ja_tool = 1; // 0: 0: disable all; 1: Screen tool; 2: font tool; 3: screen + font; 4: color tool; 5: screen + color; 6: font + color; 7: all;

    zengel Friend

    would you please tell me the related directory and and code sequence number ?
    thank you

    whouse Friend

    The option Khanh is speaking of is available from the Template manager. Just select the template and select Edit HTML and you will see the user modifyable options just down a bit from the top. The available options are spelled out on the line for ja_tool which you can see in Khanh’s post above.
    Otherwise, if you absolutely must manually modify the raw file ja_vars.php, you might try installing and using JoomlaXplorer component. I think you will find it will suit your needs nicely.

    zengel Friend

    it is ok friends, that’s nice to be here. I am new at joomla and sometimes I can ask very simple things. I hope your experiences will make me better. thanks so much friends.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  zengel 17 years, 1 month ago.

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