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  • tempusserbia Friend

    I think that it would be great idea, if members can get more support for template modification.

    For example, I am going to use 2 JA templates for my sites: Barite and Corona. In both templates I need some custom module positions. In Barite, I need module for displaying something like JA Slideshow, just bellow menu. In Corona, I want to move left column to very left ( to have: left + content + right). And I’ve already have done some mods (make positions) and but also I have problems (some features works in FF but not i IE and vice versa).

    So, it would be great for all ( let me call us: learners or noobs as you wish) to have more help not only from JA Support but also from other members to modify templates to suite our needs. On this way, not that we will get more templates, but also we will learn, and be more useful in answering on forums to newcomers. Maybe, we can arrange some sort of competition or something like this.

    So, what is main benefits to JA and others:
    1.JA will have more available templates,
    2. More satisfied customers,
    3. More members who understand, let me say “light” coding of Joomla templates,
    4.Support stuff will be relief (not in beginning, but in future)…

    Sorry, for my poor English, but I hope that you will catch the idea.

    Any comment is much appreciated.

    Menalto Friend

    This sounds like a good idea actually.

    olernst Friend

    Great idea.
    Thats´s exactly my problem.
    Download – perect
    Installation – prefect
    Customizing – no idea :confused:

    An easy step by step guide for beginners would be great. The most important issue is how to move the modules to the required position.

    tempusserbia Friend

    First, thanks to Menalto for support.

    I must tell you all people. What was my primary intention….huh hard to describe. I am not expecting from support to do coding for me, it’s not good, we will never learn in that way.
    I am not expecting from someone to copy/paste solution, for example, how will look code for new module posiotion or something similiar. If you do not work hard and have problems to solve, you will never learn. Expirience and training will lead us to sucessful learning of template customizaton.

    What we exactly need is someone who will teach us how to do some coding regarding template customization. To tell us what to read, to tell us what are tips and tricks, to tell us to what we have to pay attention when changing something…and similiar.

    In one or two words, some kind of template customization school. Only in that way we will learn and be able to support future JA members and relief other support stuff to do more important work (ie bug testing).

    What I am to trying to say is, let’s stick together JA people, let’s make FORUM to be nice and whealthy community. Simple crying over problems, complaing about something is not working will lead us to dead end. The easiest way is maybe, to post a problem and get solution, but it isn’t always good one. You do copy/paste thing and forget about everything. Another problem, again copy/paste…so, what are you going to do when one day there are not Menalto, mfcphil and others?! Nothing…

    mfcphil Friend

    I know that Menalto and Miccas and maybe others are working in the background in an attempt to set up some very good tutorials….You will have to ask them what these are going to involve but what I know of these guys, the tutorials will be very helpful.

    I know I’m looking forward to seeing them.

    Menalto Friend

    A JA Template School, cool idea:)

    There is many things that needs to be sorted out before that happens actually.

    -A teacher.
    -Should it be an ending test.
    -Timeframe pr class and times pr week.
    -Free or paid.

    Just a few things that dropped into my head.

    When things like that is sorted out it would be very easy to set it up.
    I think almost all people have different ways to work on when it comes to coding etc, but the major thing is that all people
    follow the progress.
    It should be a step by step progress, start with the basics and fill in with some samples etc on the way.
    Oh, why not hire me as your personal teacher?

    Menalto Friend

    The tutorial book i have done/working on is almost like a knowledge book for template customization, but covers many many basic to advanced steps in the template progress and its gonna be huge if i can get all things in it. I just need to find a good PDF creation program….

    tempusserbia Friend

    <em>@Menalto 42739 wrote:</em><blockquote>…. I just need to find a good PDF creation program….</blockquote>

    I can help you with that, not only for choosing but with also with creation

    mfcphil Friend

    I have always thought that the best way forward in this Forum is the sharing of knowledge…now if we have to pay a little along the way to gain that knowledge, I all for it, so I for one would pay.

    Question: Are all the Templates built in roughly the same way?
    If I was paying for lessons on how to the latest template, is that going to be the same answer for the next new template? I’m sure you get what I mean.

    tempusserbia Friend

    Paying is not such a bad idea. But, threre are always some “but”…If I am going to pay for something that would give me more privilegies that others (who are not willing or able to pay, ie), ant that lead again to small circle of people who are learning. I agree if you want to do some “hard coding” and have special needs which involve more and hard work not only to explain, then we can go to “pay and buy option”. Just to remeber you, we already have paid section on forum.

    If we are going to think that way, this will stop before it’s starting. Should I ask you to pay me for idea?! 😉

    tempusserbia Friend

    It seems that nobody are interesting in this kind of idea: no comments from Owners, Admins, Designers. Only few people, which are currently dealing with lots of work and problems here, trying to solve them.

    Well, one more negative point to JA support and their lack for new ideas and members requests.

    Once again, thanks to Menalto and mfcphil for their support and usefull opions and commnets.

    hpathy Friend
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