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  • dozza Friend

    I’ve read very similar issue at this thread but i don’t like the security implications of setting all files and folders to 755!!!

    When I am in the Template Manager editing the style when I hit “Save” I get

    An error has occured when saving Global Settings

    across the bar at the top on the left hand side and…

    Successfully saved data!

    on the right hand side.

    None of my requested changes are made to the default template profile or my custom template profile.

    I appreciate this is probably a permissions issue, but which folders/files do I need to tinker with to allow my profile changes to be applied.

    Many thanks in advance.

    kobenes Friend

    you can try to activate FTP Layer option from Global Configuration

    timwu1616 Friend

    I’ve got the same problem and looking for the solution. I am trying test the site in my local MAC and I’ve tried the FTP but, it does not work. Could you share what you’ve done if it was resolved?

    Thank you very much.

    acmaurer Friend

    Same problem here, with JA PureSite, Joomla 2.5. Any resolution?

    acmaurer Friend

    Finally figured it out.

    All the permissions in the template files are set to 644. Changed to 777 to make the changes. (Change back when done.)

    Changing params.ini file in the /templates/ja_PureSite folder fixed the error “An error has occurred when saving Global Settings;
    Changing default.ini in the /templates/ja_PureSite/etc/profiles folder fixed the error “An error has occurred when saving default profile.”

    Seems to be the same problem I’ve read about across a number of Joomlart templates. You’d think somebody would make it easier to simply switch the color scheme, as in the demos.

    Also, do check that ftp is set correctly and if Apache owns the files (which it didn’t on my system), chown to the ftp user.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  acmaurer 12 years, 1 month ago.

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